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Well this one i thought long and hard about where to start and i decided first of all if you are intending to ask someone out ask you mom or dad first. So i want to start put with the girls definition of a crush an it is someone who is "HOT", that is what i call shallow you need to make a full relation ship with someone and get to know them before you can decide any thing. Then theres the "FIXER UPER" the boy you think you can change all their problems if you show him true love heres the reality..... NEWS FLASH you can only change someone if they what to be changed. Then there is the "PITTY CRUSH" but this never turns out well trust me.
Now i want to introduce the boyfriend check list
-how does he treat his family(especially his mom and sisters).
-how does he treat other girls.
-how does he behave like at school.
Now if all of those apply i will now do the impossible and try to give good ways to ask that special crush out. so you have a couple options, first the text this is recommended for shy people , next you can ask them in person, and finely have a trusted friend to do it.
So i want to start out with healthy and non healthy relationships, an healthy relationship is when you get along you both talk and understand each other as a couple and neither of you flirt with other people and you respect each other as individuals. A unhealthy relationship consists of no communication cheating, talking, and you are not being used.
If you find your relationship isn't healthy than heres my tips on breaking up, first are you entirely sure you want to break up, next there are three main ways you can break up
-talk to them in person
-have a trusted friend do it
-texting (although i highly do not recommend this one because in my opinion it is bad because they deserve to be told face to face by someone.

And thats all for boys dont forget to keep posting till april 5th i want to hear what you have to say.😀

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