Meet My Family

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Jackson's POV
"I am sorry I have to go my mom made steaks and she wants me home" I said to Ryder. He has been whining fro about thirty minutes and it breaks my heart to tell him I have to leave. I know we just like started this whatever we have its just that we are mates and are relationship develops faster then regular.

"But I don't want you to go" he said. "I have to" I said. "But I barely get to see you at school" he whined. "And you barely seeing me means a lot to me even if we don't have time to talk because I like you, you like me" I said.

So like is he my boyfriend I am so confused about this. "So like are we" I was about to say when I was cut off with his lips on mine making my body tingle. "Yes we are your mine and I am yours" he said. I smiled and nodded and went to leave when he grabbed my hand.

"Don't go" he said with a frown. "Oh my god Ryder at this rate you should just come over to my house" I said glaring at him. "I think I will" he said. He then picked me up making me almost drop my bag with my stuff in it.

We got in the car and drive to my house. I walked into my house to see my mother cooking and making salad. My mother loves to cook she wanted to become a chef or something but never ended doing it.

"Hey honey and who is this" she said looking at Ryder. "This is Ryder my umm boyfriend" I said smiling at her. She squealed like she was a teenager again and hugged me then hugged Ryder. "So when did this start" she said looking at us. "Yesterday" I said. She looked at Ryder then too me then she said "If he gets hurt by you don't think I won't come after you and you Jackson if you hurt him I will do the same."

I just chuckled and walked to the kitchen table. "Your father should be home soon" she said and walked outside to get the steaks from the grill. She came back the best smelling thing I have every smelled well besides Ryder his intoxicating in a good way. She got plates out and put the food on and handed it to us. We devoured the food and went to walk to my room when my mother had to say the most embarrassing thing.

"Don't forget to wear a condom"

I was pale to tomato red in a heart beat I ran to my room and hide under the covers. Ryder moved the blankets from my face and smiled. "What" I said grumbly. "You look adorable when you blush" he said and that only made me blush more.

He climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my forehead and slowly my eyes began getting heavy. I don't know why but he just makes me so tried when we cuddle he is so warm and he wraps his arms around me and I am out like a light.

I am pretty sure I feel asleep with a smile on my face.

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