Helo! Im RobinSong and Im a Warrier off Lunaclan. In Lunaclan there's our leder ForkStar. Hes relly snapy and mean towardsme and starvs me. ForkStar is a villan. I seed him kiling my sister BerryCrack. But none belivs me. They all hate me and want to murder me. Exept for the medicin cat. She's a very nice cat. Her name is LoveLeaf. She's very lovely and I love her. She smells relly good. She has a phropery what she has only told me. The song of robin will save the Luna from a great terryifing fork. I have noidea what this means but im sure I'll figr it out.
Ewwwwwww. It freaking hurt to write. Let's start wiewing what's wrong.
1. Names
Names are not written like that. It's Robinsong, Forkstar, Berrycrack and Loveleaf. Not what was written up there or Robin Song, Fork Star, Berry Crack, Love Leaf. You get it. Also it's LunaClan not Lunaclan or Luna Clan. No.
2. Unrealistic names
Cat's don't know what's a fork or luna. And why would anyone name their kit Lovekit? WHY? I mean I know that I named them but I've seen similar stuff in fanfics.
3. Spelling
I think that y'all saw what was wrong up there. No piece is readable when it has bad spelling. Trust me on that.
4. Phropercy
It was terrible. Who invented a phropercy like that? It was so obvious!! Seriously.
5. Other small stuff
The plot. Basically every gliche warriors fanfic ever. (Insert tom name) is on bad terms with hte leader so the leader is a villain. Oh and the villain has obviously killed somebody. And everyone hates them for no reason except the medicine cat, who's a young she-cat and her scent is oh how sweet and (insert tom name) is all over her. And then there's that obvious phropercy what noone gets.
I'm not gonna say that I'm not guilty in that. Ya'all remember original Nostar's Choice? That was a book full of Mary Sue and gliche. I mean- I had some characters that were at least a bit original but the plot and spelling. Ew.
Now it's time to fix it. I mean- I have to stick to that story( ugh) but maybe I can make it a bit more readable?
Hello! I'm Robinsong and I'm a warrior of MoonClan. In MoonClan there's our leader Sharpstar. He's really snappy and mean towards me and starves me. I think that Sharpstar has bad plans. I saw him kiling my sister Berrycrack. She was with her secret love at the time but that doesn't matter. Noone believes me when I tell them. Almost everyone hates me and I even don't know why! Luckily there's one cat that cares for me. The medicine cat! She's a very caring cat. Her name is Honeyleaf. She's very kind and I think that I love her. Her scent is really sweet, her fur is always pretty. She's perfect. Though she has a phropercy what she has only told me.
"The whistle of redchest will reveal the night light's great terror".
I have no idea what this could mean but I'm sure that I and Honeyleaf will figure it out.
That's at least a bit better. It's still gliche but not so bad anymore. The phropercy is pretty much still obvious but eh. At least not so obvious as before. It's really lame and horrible but the spelling is fine now at least. If I had to read a fanfic like that I would immedeatly quit and run far away.
But I hope you understand what I mean. Bye
Warriors and the terrible gliche
RandomYou see that terrible cover? That's a gliche cover. You see that title? It says it all. But I'm still gonna tell you what it is in case some people can't read the titles. It's a book where I write the gliche and cringe warriors fanfiction stuff. Sin...