September 1976

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'Piss off.' I murmured, snuggling closer to whoever was laying beside me. 'Mmm, morning Star.' Sirius mumbled against my hair. So that's who. Jay was currently trying to drag me out of bed for Quidditch Practise, but I was so tired. 'Sirius. How do we get him to shut up?' I said sleepily, paying no attention to the pillow James was currently hitting me with. 'Prongs, piss off?' James just hit Sirius, then grabbed my ankles and pulled me out of bed. 'Ahh! Lily!! Re!! Padsssssss!' I yelled half-heartedly, 'he's kidnapped meeeeee!' Lily didn't move, just murmured some words of instruction that were complete gibberish. Re told me to shut the fuck up and Sirius half-heartedly grabbed my wrists. 'Come on, Mar's waiting.' I looked up at the ceiling and groaned. 'Ughhh, fineee. Come on, Pads.' Once Sirius was up, I went down to change into my Quidditch  robes. 

'RACE YOU!' I shouted as we stepped out into the sunshine. I jumped on my broom and soared up, up, up, then shot like a dart towards the stadium. I played the role of seeker, and that basically meant Mum and Dad bought me the fastest broom, to them anyway. Obviously I won. Sirius' broom was the same make as mine, just an older model and slower, because he was a beater, alongside Marls. 

'Ok, Star, I want you to go and practise going in and out of the stands and flying round the hoops. Techniques I showed you before, Alpha. Right, McKinnon, bludger, make sure it doesn't hit anyone apart from Sirius. Sirius, you gotta try and get the bludger away with your bat, alright? Em, go up to the goal of that end of the pitch, me, Al and Frank will try score, alright?' I was the first one in the air, and set off to flying right away, standing on my broom. 'STAR! SIT DOWN!' James yelled at me. I ignored him. I needed to be able to stand and fly. I only lost my balance once, twice and... 'STAR!' The last thing I heard was Sirius' shout, and the last thing I saw was Sirius zipping towards me.  

'She looks awful.' I heard James' voice.

'Bet I still look better than you.' I said, sitting up. Everyone laughed. 'Sorry, Jay, you were ri- Padfoot, have you been crying?' I looked over at my brother, who was desperately trying to rid himself of red eyes. 'Oh you big lala, come here.' Sirius leaned over and hugged me tightly. 'I kinda wanted to stay alive, you know?' I gasped for air, and Sirius loosened his grip. Everyone was staring at me. 'Caaaan I help you?' Lily hugged me first, laughing at me. 'They're all jealous that Sirius got a hug and they didn't.' She whispered, giggling. I rolled my eyes as Lily broke away. 'If you love me so much you just want to hug me all the time, all you have to do is ask.' I said mockingly. Marley was laying next to me, hanging onto my hand, and Sirius had my other hand. Clearly Prongs had felt left out, because he was holding one of my feet, and Remus was stroking my hair whilst Lily returned to James' lap. For the first time that morning, I got a good look at James and Lily. 'Oh by the way, James, baby Prongs better be named after me.' James and Lily both went very red very quickly. 'We were all in the same dorm! Where did you even go?' James looked down sheepishly, suddenly very fascinated by the sheets. 'Prefects bathroom.' He muttered, going even redder. Lily giggled awkwardly. 'Honestly, you two, wondered why you were up so bloody early James.' The smirk on James' lips died, and I knew that wasn't why he was up early at all. 'Oh.' I said quietly. 'Let's see then.'  James roughly handed over a newspaper, and I studied the list, Marlene reading over my shoulder. When the blonde stalked off desperately trying to hide her tears I knew why. 'Her brothers.' I whispered. As Jay made to go after Marls I caught his hand. 'Leave her. She'll want to be alone, you know she hates people seeing her cry. James, Pete, owl Mum and Dad, tell them what's happened. Sirius, me and you are going to see McGonagall. Re and Lils stay here and cover for me and for christ sake Remus, do something about that shoulder.' Jay ran out first, Peter on his heels, and me and Sirius hurried all the way to McGonagall's office. 'Professor!' I gasped, throwing open the door. 'Marlene's brothers.' I said, registering the faint look of shock on her face. The Professor gestured for us to sit down, so we did. 'I was just reading the list of the dead for today, and Mar's brothers. Daniel, Jason, Edward and Frank McKinnon.' McGonagall didn't respond for a moment, and I grabbed Sirius' hand, desperate for something to hold on to. 'Well is there somewhere for Miss McKinnon to go?' Me and Sirius exchanged glances, both thinking the same thing. 'James has gone to owl Mum and Dad.' I confirmed.

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