Chapter 2: Timeline Confusion

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The Space Base made its landing on Planet Rainwater. Right after its landing, the door that allows access out of the Space Base opened up and a bridge came out of it allowing for easier travel in and out of the Space Base. Rebecca, a girl who has short brown hair and glasses, said, "Light-speed shoes, activate." Then, her special light-speed shoes that allow her to travel at the speed of light activated. These shoes were built based upon Jeremiah's speed powers to prevent the user from aging while they were in use. Rebecca ran at the speed of light and kicked Negative Colossal Boy in the face thus disrupting the energy flow that had trapped Omega Elements. Omega Elements got up, still a bit dazed from the experience, and quickly made a bunch of earth pillars to trap the Omega Squad in. Negative Elements stomped in the very center of the earth pillar trap allowing him to manipulate the ground around him like it were several torpedoes and destroyed the earth pillars around him and the rest of the Omega Squad. Negative Colossal Boy shot a blast of fire at the Elites. Jeremiah manipulated the water of Planet Rainwater's constant downpour in order to make a shield to shield everyone from the blast. The fire went out on contact with the watery shield. However, the fire also evaporated the shield on contact.

Apparently, this was just a distraction because the Omega Squad ran into the woods during the Elites' momentary confusion. Luckily for them, Akio, a ninja who always wears a red and black ninja suit that makes his blue eyes the only thing visible, saw through the rouse and followed them. He even turned on the tracking beacon in his Elite Watch so the rest of the Elites would know exactly where he was and could follow him. Akio got out a bunch of shurikens (also known as Ninja Stars) and threw them at the Omega Squad. Lord Spikey sensed the danger, quickly turned around, and shot a fireball at the shurikens thus stopping them in midair. But, that wasn't his main goal. His main objective was Akio himself. And the fireball was heading towards him. He quickly jumped off the tree limb he was on in order to dodge and kicked Lord Spikey on the side of his face while the tree limb fell which the rain quickly doused the flames.

Outside the woods that Lord Spikey and Akio are duking it out in,

"Apparently, that darn fire was just a diversion. It also looks like they escaped into the woods. Luckily, for us, Akio saw through that rouse and is currently in pursuit of them. He also activated his tracking beacon so we could follow him," explained Jeremiah.

"And exactly how do you know all of this?" inquired Nic.

"Akio texted me," replied Jeremiah as he showed the messages app on his Elite Watch.

"I don't remember there being a messages app on the Elite Watches," said Nic.

"It was added on there just last week," said Jeremiah.

"Oh," said Nic.

Jeremiah locked on to his signal and said, "I've locked on to his signal. Tiffany, I suggest we create a blockade to make sure they can't get off the planet."

"Great idea. Zack, Linda, and I will pilot our respective ships and make sure no one leaves the planet while the rest of you go and search for what looks like the Omega Squad," directed Tiffany.

Everyone said their own version of yes and headed out.

Jeremiah told Shekasue, a blue-haired girl who wears a Japanese-style school uniform with green eyes that looks like someone out of an anime, the coordinates and she teleported them to their location.

Back in the woods,

Akio is still fighting Lord Spikey. LS just slashed Akio with his claws. This ripped up his ninja outfit a little bit and he fell to the ground. A little bit away, Jeremiah used Power Blast: Quick Charge Mode. Power Blast is a power where Jeremiah sends out a beam of pure power in an attempt to blast the enemy. Quick Charge Mode allows Jeremiah to fire the beam quickly without needing to charge it. Of course, the fully charged version is still more powerful. The blast knocked down a few trees in the forest but it made clear contact with LS. Negative Elements looked in the direction that the beam came from and saw Jeremiah and Shekasue.

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