Part 13

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TW: CHOKING (please idk what to call this tw)

A/N: I have the rest of the book planned out.


Running through the forest was a breeze, especially when you know no one is chasing after you. They were stupid for letting us walk free for a dumb doctor. Our footsteps were loud and our breathing was heavy, but we would be back at the castle soon.

Everything was going smoothly until I heard a crack, a thud, and then an annoyed growl. I quickly turned around, only to see a clearly upset Sapnap, back up, on the ground. "Sapnap what the hell, get up." He doesn't move, "did you hear me? Get up." Sapnap crosses his arms and argues, "we've been moving, running, all day!" I walk over to him and bend over, my body leaning over his. Sapnap looked me in the eyes, he seemed annoyed and pissed. "Fine, we can stop in the nearest town." After saying this Punz mumbles under his breath, "what? So we can burn down that village too?" I want to turn around and say something, but I really had no response to that. I just kept moving, "this way boys."

It was only twenty-five minutes of consistent movement and whining till we got there. The town was nice, not as nice as our towns, but it was certainly better than the one we burned down. Sapnap leaned against my shoulder and said, "I got the flint and steel." I put my head down, showing disappointment, then I looked back up to the town.

Walking around the town was nice, the smell of bakery's filled the air, and the people were pleasant to talk to. Though I don't think they would be as nice to me if they found out what I did, actually what we did. Sapnap, still close to me tapped my shoulder and asked, "can we get something from the bakery." He looked at me with puppy eyes and I just pushed him away. "I'm not your parent or babysitter, go get something and I'll be waiting over here." Sapnap smiled and ran off, same with Punz, except he was more mature about it. God, they're such little kids.

Walking around the town was peaceful, that is until I overheard a conversation between two townsfolk. "Did you hear about the town burnt down?" Wasn't that like a month ago? I guess stories do travel slow. "Yea, it was horrific. Wasn't there only one survivor?" Yea, that damn brat who ruined it all. "It was a poor boy." He isn't that poor, for god sakes he's living in the royal castle now. "His parents, his town, his happiness all taken from him." Good, he deserved it.

Another man came walking into the scene, disrupting the people gossiping. "I heard he was caught by the other side." I rolled my eyes, I wish. Though, the gentleman seemed to pick up on my eye-rolling. "You got something to say." I can't deal with this shit right now. I simply walked off, they quickly got back to their conversation. More false rumors would be spoken.

"Dream! Look we got a muffin!" Sapnap squealed. Punz silently was eating his muffin from behind. "Then we're ready to go." It was almost nightfall, and if we moved fast enough, we could make it back to the castle by late night.


Goddammit, the mission failed. I put my most trusted guards on this mission, and they fail me! I was storming around the big room before I heard the door open. I look up, eyeing Dream, Sapnap, and Punz. They walked up and bowed, all saying "good evening." "What the hell happened?" I growled. Dream stood up, but Sapnap and Punz stayed down. "Your highness, we are deeply sorry-" "Great, you better. Now, do you know anyone else suited for the job?" I cut into his words." Dream glared at me, "I can do it." "Well you clearly couldn't Dream, could you?" "I could!" Dream yelled.

"Excuse me?" "I mean, I could your highness." It was silent for a bit until he talked again. "If Sapnap hadn't dropped the kid, it would've worked." Dream huffed. Sapnap didn't even try to defend himself, opting to stay silent. "So blaming it on your partner?" To my surprise Dream chuckled at this comment. "Are you laughing at me?" I asked, holding a hand to my chest. "Yea! I am! IT'S HIS FAULT!" Still, there was silence from Sapnap. I moved closer to Dream, I stood face to face with him. "Don't take this tone with me." Dream was still snickering, so I pulled off his mask.

I held the mask in my hands, down by my waist. Dream was infuriated, I could see anger in every part of his face. He grabbed my chin and said, "You think you're scary? You think you have power over me?" Moving his hand down to my neck, he pushed me backward and onto the floor. "Dr-Dream st-stop thi.." I tried to speak, but it was hard when you were being choked. "What kind of king can't defend himself?!" He called out. Sapnap and Punz rushed over to help, but was stopped by Dream's axe. "Le- let me go." I coughed out.

"From now on, I will make the shots. Since you think I'm so..." He paused, thinking of a word, "unqualified." His voice was laced with poison. God did this hurt to hear from one of my favorite, most trusted guards. "I'll see you in a bit George~" He lifted my head, and brought it right back down to the floor. The world went dark.


"Dream what did you... what did you do?" Sapnap looked up from George to me in a horrified expression. "Take the former King to his room." I pulled the crown off George and Punz immediately picked up George, running off to the "King's" room.

I walked over to the thrones, taking a seat right where George once sat. I lightly set the crown on my head. Talking to Sapnap I said, "he didn't trust me, but I'M THE MOST SUITED HERE!" He looked at me as if I was crazy, so I waved my hand. "Go away," I growled.

Now with the weak no longer in charge, it will be simple taking over. It will be simple gaining power. It will be simple killing the kid.

Words: 1062

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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