Chapter 3: hayes

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•••night of my life••

Hayes: 14

I got home and slammed the front door. I went straight to the bathroom to wipe off the mascara that had ran, off of my face.

Ok here's what happened. I was in Science today. It was last period and I was doing fine, until my phone vibrated from in my pocket.

Because of the no phones policy in class, I excused myself to go to the toilet. I got out of the classroom and looked at the text, it was from my boyfriend Kyle. I smiled and opened the message, but my smile slowly faded when I read the actual text.

Kyle: Soz but I cnt take u to the dance tonight. I'm taking that chick Nicole that I met at tht fair with u. Remember her?

I dropped my phone right there and then, causing the screen to shatter. I picked it up with my shaky hands and bursted into tears. The Kyle I dated would never say this though!

I started sending a message back to him, incase it was an accident or maybe he got hacked, but no.

Just as I was typing the message, a notification from snapchat popped up, I checked it, and it was from Kyle.

My heart dropped when I saw the picture. There was Kyle making out with Nicole.

So I ran home and it led to this.

I wiped the mascara off of my face. there is no way I am going to the dance tonight. I got into a pair of sweatpants and a big T-shirt and set up a really comfy fort in front of the tv in my bedroom. I got a whole tub of ice cream and a bag of chips and put them next to where I would lay.

I debated whether to watch mean girls or the heat. I chose the heat. I set up the movie and sat in my fort. This beats being with Kyle anyways.

I was about ten minutes into the movie when there was a knock on my door. I rolled my eyes and said "come in". My sweaty twin brother Hayes walked in with his Footy training gear on. He saw me and gave me funny look, then came and sat beside me.

"What?" I asked him sassily when he wouldn't stop staring at me. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Tell me what's wrong." He said titling his head to the side, grabbing a hand full of chips from my packet. "Don't worry, please just leave." I said, shooing him with my hand.

"Tell me what's wrong, and I will leave." He said with a mouth full of chips. I rolled my eyes once again. "Drop it hayes, I'm not in the mood." I warned him.

He shuffled to a comfy position, and grabbed the chips. "Hayes pass them back!" I yelled at him.

"Not unless you tell me what's up." He said, extending his arm with the bag of chips even more.

"Hayes your such a dick, you know?" I told him. He opened his mouth in shock, though I knew he was only pretending to be offended. He wasn't gonna give those chips back.

"Fine hayes, you know what? Kyle frickin' broke up with me and I have no one to go to the dance with tonight." I said, now reaching out for the bag of chips in his hand, this time he gave it to me.

"That prick!" Hayes yelled, maybe a little to loud. I looked at him then back to the tv. "Get into your dress and shit, your still going to that dance." He said, getting up and leaving my room, finally some peace.

I stood up and closed the door that hayes had left open and laid back down and went on with the movie.

After about another fifteen to twenty minutes passed, someone knocked on the door again, but just opened it anyway. It was Hayes again, here we go.

It took me by surprise that Hayes was dressed really nicely, and actually smelled reasonable. "Hayes what in the world are you doing?" I asked and he gave me annoyed expression.

"I told you to get dressed! Didn't I?" He said, coming over and switching off the tv. "You are going to that dance, I'm taking you." He said, starting to pack up my stuff.

I stood up quickly; still confused. "Your what?" I asked him.

"You heard me, now go get dressed." He said, and shooed me away. My mind was blown, Hayes? Doing something for me? I didn't hesitate to go get dressed though because it's not everyday you go on your year eight dance.

I took all my stuff to the bathroom and got ready in under 25 minutes, which isn't much time to get ready for a formal. I was happy with how I looked. I walked out side and Hayes was talking to Nash and mom. They all looked at me and smiled. Nash ran up to me and picked me up bridal style.

"You look gorgeous, now let's go or you will be late, I'm driving." Nash said. I grabbed my purse and we got going. We got to the car and raced to the auditorium the dance was bing held in, and only being 5 minutes late when we got there.

I slung my arm around Hayes as we walked through the entrance "thanks Hayes, really, i appreciate it." I said pulling him in closer.

"Anything for my beautiful twin sister." He said. I smiled and we got on the dance floor.

I had the night of my life, best part was making the biggest fools out of Kyle ad Nicole four times, and spending time with my awesome brother.

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