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"Taiyaki~! Taiyaki~! Eating taiyaki with [Name]. It's so yummy, yummy~! Walking on the street with [Name] eating taiyaki~! Holding hands with [Name], walking, walking, eating, eating~! The birds go chirp chirp and the dogs go woof woof~!"

The song that Tetsu improvised was starting to get catchy to you, and he didn't stop singing the same song since you bought him his toasty waffle. You took a bite of your own while watching him march playfully with his taiyaki waving in his hand and the other hand gripping yours.

After you signaled him to sit at a near table, Tetsu chomped and winced.

"What's wrong?" you peered down at him.

"It's too hot...!" his tiny tongue stuck out as tears peeked at the corner of his eyes. Then he raised the half-bitten dessert to you. "Can you blow it for me? Like Daddy always do it."

Arching your brow, a small smile stretched on you at the sweet mention of his father. You can imagine it. You put a knee down to crouch to his level and wrap your hand around his that's holding the taiyaki, blowing a few breaths to cool the steamy waffle as the smell of red bean scented the air.

"Is it cool enough for you?" you let go, waiting for his validation.

Tetsu slowly bit into the pastry again with his baby teeth. The pace of his chewing increased, signaling that he's able to eat it without a hot bite. With his cheeks now stuffed of the taiyaki contents, his head nodded happily, elated at the simple act in blowing his food.

You laughed and pulled out a napkin to wipe at the smudge of red bean filling on his chin as you say. "You're a messy eater, aren't you?"

"That's what Daddy always say!" he giggled, his lips moving while you wiped his mouth. "Oh, guess what? Guess what?"

A hum seeped through you as an answer, watching his big eyes looking at you eagerly.

"It will be my birthday soon!" the excitement only grew stronger as he says this, and you can only reminisce the times you were excited for your birthday. You had twenty-five of them and the increasing number doesn't replenish the same euphoric feeling in aging anymore.

"Really? When is it?" you encouraged, matching the level to his amusement.

Tetsu counted his fingers before he faced them to you. "In six days! I'm going to ride rollercoasters with Daddy. He promised!"

"Did he now? That sounds like fun, Tetsu," you bantered. "And how old are you turning?"

"Five!" he screeched. "Will you come to my birthday?"

Tensing at the boy's proposal, getting an invite to someone's kid's birthday is a huge stepping stone which you never thought about doing except for your own in the future. You obviously don't want to refuse for the sake of his feelings but you were shaky in accepting it.

Daddy Material | Oikawa Tooru |Where stories live. Discover now