• before you •

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~ FINAL ARC: Family ~

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~ FINAL ARC: Family ~

The sounds of Tooru's frantic footsteps splashed against the wet pavement of the sidewalk. Rain heavily poured over his head as thunder rumbled and flashed through the gray skies of Tokyo. The streets were empty - only a few people walked with umbrellas over their heads. All except Tooru who ran without one with drenched hair and clothes soaked to the bone.

When he stopped abruptly, a cell phone was gripped in his hand and he dialed up a number with his shaking thumb. White clouds escaped from his lips while he panted from his marathon and held his phone up to his wet cheek.

A few calls have been made and Tooru became frustrated that no one was picking up. Until he scanned his eyes on a certain name on his contact list, he made his last attempt to call one more time. Finally, the ring came to a stop and his eyes shot open once he heard the sound of your voice.

"[Name]!" He shouted with urgency.

You were shocked at his tone and asked curiously. "Tooru, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

Hearing your voice sounded like music to his ears. It's been so long since he last heard it that it almost sent him to tears. He thought he would never hear it again but it saddened him that he couldn't be able to enjoy it since there are matters that needed attention.

"Thank goodness," his voice quivered, sounded relieved yet fearful at the same time. "[Name], I-..."

But he couldn't be able to finish his sentence as tears began to overwhelm his vision mixed with the rain trickling down from his head. Tooru shut his eyes as he gripped his phone tighter in shame.

"I... I messed up. It's Tetsu."


a month earlier


Snapping your eyes open, you've woken up with a gasp in your own bed. Cold sweat was running down from your legs against the white sheet as chills ran down your spine when you pushed the blanket off of you. You sat up to get yourself adjusted to the low warm light peeking from your white French window.

It didn't take long for you to realize that you had a bad dream, but it certainly felt real to you.

You groaned over at your phone that was sitting beside your pillow, hooked and fully charged. The time displayed itself once you tapped on the screen to see that it's still dawn - too early to have breakfast.

"Again?" You asked yourself.

Again, indeed. Lately, you haven't been getting full sleep all due to the bad dreams you've been having. Every night you couldn't fall asleep peacefully. With Tetsu's empty promise to you that everything will be okay, you anticipated the opposite.

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