Chapter 4

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I could practically hear........
Here we go......
The bursting of my eardrums as she screamed. We were done picking teams and this is how it went
TEAM CARROTS: Louis Zayn Harry
TEAM POPTARTS: Lucy Kennedy Niall Liam.
Now we were tickling each other before we headed to the woods. I got a head start since we had less people. "Ahhhh!" What the!? I heard Kennedy yell. As I looked over I saw her struggling against Harry's grip as he tried to kiss her. Oh no.... Lucy is going to flip! "You ********! **** and ****** do you ***** know?!" (Not real no no words, just random numbers!) poor Harry😔 Lucy was killing the kid! "Lucy!!" I screamed.
Lucy's POV (Lou's got boring!)
I was beating the crap out of him! He tried to kiss Kennedy! The nerve. I will freaking kill him! "I will break every bone in your body! I will rip your eyes out with a spoon! I will kick you so hard you can't have children! I will punch you till the day you die! I will! I will! I was so mad I was talking in French. "je me assurerai que jamais jour de votre vie est comme Down Under! je vais feaking déchirer votre coeur! je vais ruiner votre réputation! je vais tuer votre taco! i will tell père noël vous avez mangé son dernier biscuit! Je vais faireassurer que le père vous cusses sur person element! Je ne suis jams is parlé à un idiot comme vous."
(Translation i will make sure that ever day of your life is like down under! i will feaking rip your heart out! i will ruin your fame! i will kill your taco! I will tell santa you ate his last cookie!"
Woah! I just spoke three years of French in 3 seconds! Well so much for the game..... Harry was laying unconscious on the floor....... I guess I was a little rough? 😁
LIAM POV (didn't expect that)
She freaking knocked Harry out! Awesome!

10 Days Till RevengeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora