Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey sorry this has taken me so damn long to update. I've been really busy with school, and things haven't been too great lately but I'll try to update this more regularly. Hope you guys aren't too mad, but better late than never right?

Despite me arguing, and making things difficult, they have given me no choice but to stay at this house. I have no where else to go, and I can't stay on the streets. I don't have a good feeling about staying here, but I guess I'll just have to stay on top of things, and make sure that no one figures out about my curse.

When I walk downstairs in the morning, it's already pretty busy. Tohru is running around making breakfast while Kyo, and Yuki are fighting over something. "Good Morning Kira." Tohru says happily, and I wave at her quietly. "Breakfast will be ready soon." I nod, and walk into the other room, where Shigure is sitting at the table already.

"Good morning Kira." He says, and I mumble out a greeting. "Not one for talking Eh? Well that will be nice for a change." I nod, and he laughs. I'm not really that quiet, I just feel so out of place here. I don't belong here, but then again do I really belong anywhere?

"Breakfasts ready." Tohru calls walking into the room, she sets the food down on the table, and then takes a seat next to me. Yuki, and Kyo both take a seat, and Kyo looks pretty unhappy.

"So Kira, today Im going to have to take you to see the head of our family." Shigure says, and I bite on my lip. Shit, I completely forgot about Akito, he's going to be so pissed off at me.

"Akito?" I ask, and Shigure nods. "Why?" I ask.

"To make sure you can stay here." Shigure says.

"So in other words to see if he's going to erase your memories or not." Yuki says, and I kind of wish he could. Because then maybe just maybe, I could at least pretend to be normal for a while, and forget about all the shit I've dealt with.

"What good would erasing her memories do?" Kyo asks. "She knew about the curse before she met us."

"Hopefully he lets you stay here Kira." Tohru says. "It would be nice to have another girl in the house."

"It would wouldn't it." Shigure says, and I see Kyo's eye twitch.

"Pervert." He yells, and grabs Shigure by the collar of his shirt. And Shirgure looks amused, by Kyo's anger.

"Stupid cat." Yuki mutters, and sends Kyo flying across the room. Tohru runs over to Kyo, and he ignores her, and gets up. He walks to the other side of the house, and storms outside. Tohru looks worried, Shigure is amused, and Yuki looks unimpressed. "Im sorry about that Kira." He says, and I shrug.

"It's fine." I say, Yuki nods, and then walks off somewhere else in the house.

"Well we better get going Kira." Shigure says, and stands up. I follow him to the front door, and out to his car. We get in, and the drive to see Alito is silent. Im filled with dread, and anxiety, Akito already hates me, he's going to hate me even more once he finds out that I've found some of the other cursed members.

When we get to the estate Shigure parks, and I stare at the place that I've come to hate with a passion. I've been beaten, locked up, and harassed countless times inside this place, I really do not want to go inside. But I have to. I step out of the car, and Shigure and I walk through the estate, and he leads me to Akitos room. We knock on the door, and Kureno answers. He looks at Shigure first, and then me.

Kureno smiles softly at me, and I bite on my lip. Kureno is one of two cursed family members that know about my curse the other one being Hatori. Of course Kureno knows about my curse because he's always around Akito. Hatori knows because he's the family doctor, and there have been times where I've been hurt so badly by Akito that Hatori had to help me. As I've grown up I've seen both Kureno, and Hatori quite a bit, and I know that they feel bad for me, but I hate receiving sympathy from them.

Shigure wait for Akito in the room on our knees, and I can see Kureno giving me looks of sympathy from where he stands in the corner. I am all too familiar with this room, and every time I'm in it bad memories flood back to me, this time is no exception.

Akito walks into the room, and as soon as he sees me a smirk crawls on to his face. A shudder goes through my body, and I don't even want to think about what he's going to do to me. "What do you want?" Akito asks Shigure harshly.

"This is Kira." Shigure says and motions to me. However Akito doesn't even glance at me he just stares at Shigure. "The other day Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki found her lost in the woods. her parents have kicked her out of her house and she has no where else to live. However she knows about our curse. Would she still be able to stay with us?"

Akito looks at me, and I can see the hatred in his eyes, it scares the hell out of me and I hope I don't get left alone with him. "Just let me talk to her alone for a little while." He says. "Kureno would you please take Shigure away." Kureno nods, and gives me a look of sympathy before taking Shigure out of the room.

"You dumb bitch!" He says, and I feel a sharp pain in my cheek as his hand connects with my skin. "Did you really think you could just live there and I would be okay with it!?" Of course I didn't, but he wouldn't give a fuck if I told him that. "You're a monster you don't deserve to live your life. You should be put in confinement where you belong." He paces around me, and I fling every time he gets close to me. I hate feeling this vulnerable.

He doesn't say anything for a while and I can practically hear him thinking of a way to punish me. The room is unbearably quiet, and it's killing me. What ever Akito is going to do I just want him to do it quickly, I can't live with the suspense.

"But maybe I should let you live there." He says, and I furrow my eyebrows together. "Of course you'd have to tell them about your curse."

"They would hate my guts." I say, and he smirks. Something clicks in my brain, and I out it all together. He wants everyone to hate me, he wants to punish me by forcing me to live with people who despise me. He's going to make my life a living hell.

"They probably would." He says, and I want to slap that stupid smirk right off his face. "But you would deserve it wouldn't you? So you can live there as long as you tell them about your curse. And you better have told them by the time New Years rolls around."

He walks back to the front of the room, and leans against a desk. I glare at him, and that goddamn smirk crawls up his face again. "Leave, I do t want to look at you anymore, it's making me feel sick." He says, and I slowly stand up. I start walking towards the door and just as Im about to open it up, Akito says. "Tell everyone I say hello." I walk out the door, and let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

A/N: Once again Im so sorry this took so long. I apologize that it's on the shorter side, but it was shard picking after not writing it for so long. I swear the next chapter will be up a lot sooner. I hope you guys still enjoyed this, and I hope you all have a lovely day/night ^.^

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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