Chapter Two

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"Hey." I hear a boys voice say, and I feel something nudge my leg. "Wake up." There's another nudge on my leg, and I groan slightly. I open my eyes, and there's people standing in front of me. They look to be about the same age, as me, and there's three of them. The boy closest to me, is tall, and skinny, he has orange hair, and has orangey red coloured eyes. The boy next to him, is also fairly tall, and skinny, he has dark grey hair, similar to mine, and purple eyes. The girl, is shorter that the two guys, but probably taller than I am, she has long brown hair and brown eyes.

I stretch then stand up. "What are you doing here?" The orange haired boy asks me.

"I had no where to go, and got lost." I say, and look up at the three of them. The girl is only a little bit taller than me, but both of the guys are quite a bit taller.

"Don't you have a home to stay in." The girl asks me, she talks said I'm still a child.

"My mom kicked me out." I reply curtly.

"Well a little girl like you shouldn't be staying out in the forest all alone." The orange haired boy says, and my eye twitches in annoyance.

"I'm not a little girl." I practically spit at him. "I'm 16 years old." His eyes widen in shock, and he's about to say something when the grey haired boy cuts him off.

"Come with us." He says, and I raise and eyebrow at the three of them. "You can come stay with us for a while." The boy smiles at me slightly.

"Are you crazy?!" The orange haired boy says, and he grabs the grey haired boy by his shirt. "You can't just invite some random girl to come live with us! Damn rat!" Wait... Rat? that can't mean that he's part of the curse can it? No. I could've just taken it out of context.

The grey haired boy, pushes the orange haired boy to the ground, and the girl helps him up. "I'm Yuki by the way. Yuki Sohma." Another Sohma? What have I gotten myself into?

"I'm Torhu Honda, it's nice to meet you." The girl tells me, and smiles happily.

I look over at the orange haired boy, and he shoves his hands in his pockets, and looks away from me. "Kyo Sohma." He says.

"I'm Kira Sohma." I say, and Yuki, and Kyo look at me. They stop walking for a little bit, then continue as the regain their composure.

"So you're a Sohma?" Kyo asks me after a little bit of walking, and I nod. "Does your family live on the estate?"

"No." I say, and look at the ground. "They used to, but they moved out when I was born. Do you guys live on the estate?"

"No." Yuki says, coldly. "We used to, but we moved out to live with our cousin. We found Tohru living in a tent in the forest, she had no where else to go so she ended up living with us."

"I see." I say, and we continue to walk. Suddenly Tohru trips over something, and she falls into Kyo. Theres a poof, and cloud of orange smoke appears. When the smoke clears, I see an orange cat on the ground. My jaw drops, and my eyes widen in horror. I accidentally found other cursed family members. I was never supposed to meat any of them. I was supposed to stay far away from all of them. If Akito finds out, that I found them, I'm as good as dead...

"What the hell!" The cat yells, and Tohru, sits on her knees. "Now she knows about the curse too! Do you know how much trouble this is going to cause?!?"

"I'm sorry." Torhu says. "I didn't mean to, I just tripped, I didn't mean for this to happen."

"You should be sorry!" The cat- Kyo- yells. "Now our secrets out!"

"Cut it out." Yuki says, and kicks Kyo so he falls over. "It was an accident you damn cat, don't blame her for it." Yuki looks over, at me, and I shut my mouth.

"It's okay." I say, and they all look at me shocked. "I already knew about the curse." I clench my fists. "My great-grandfather was the cat." Kyo's eyes widen, and Yuki and Torhu are speechless.

"Well I guess we don't have to explain then." Yuki says, and he gives me a soft smile. "We should be heading back now." He turns around and starts to walk away. Tohru, and Kyo look back at me, and then we catch up with Yuki.

We walk through the forest for a while before we reach a house. It's a strange location for a house, but it seems cozy. I follow everyone inside, and look around. The place isn't too big, but it's not small either. It's a nice little place.

"Oh you're back." Someone says, and a man who appears to be in his mid twenties walks up to us. He has black hair, and dark eyes, and he's wearing more traditional style japanese clothing. "Who's this?" He asks and looks at me.

"We found her sleeping by a tree, and figured we should take her here. She told us that her mom kicked her out of their house." Yuki says. "She's a Sohma, and knows about the curse."

The man continues to look at me, before smiling. "I'm Shigure Sohma." He says in an enthusiastic tone of voice. "Do you have any other relative you could stay with? A little thing like you shouldn't be left alone." He talks to me as if I'm a child, and I sigh irritably. I may be short, and thin for my age, but I am not a child.

"I'm Kira Sohma." I say, and how my head slightly. "I don't have any relatives I could stay with, but you don't have to trouble yourself by letting me stay here. I'm fine on my own."

"Nonsense." Shigure says, "I insist you stay here. Some one as young as you shouldn't be out there on their own." There's a strange gleam in his eye. "Besides Tohru could always use more help around here."

"I'm not that young." I say a but irritated. "I'm 16, and I would be fine on my own. I really do appreciate the offer though."

"Tohru why don't you go show our guest upstairs." Shigure says completely ignoring my refusal. I stand there dumbstruck, as Tohru grabs my arm. "We don't have enough rooms so you and Tohru will have to share. I hope that's fine with you Kira."

Tohru pulls me up the stairs, and reluctantly I let her. I have a really bad feeling about staying here, but I suppose I don't have a better option do I? I'll only stay here for a little while then I'll leave. I can't risk them finding out about my curse.

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