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It took two months for Hao Min to recover fully from his injuries.

During that time the girl stayed. She nursed him, as gently as she could, and bandaged his wounds. She would fish in the sea during the day, and at night she would clumsily cook what she had caught.

"It is far better, when you make it," the girl sighed as they sat over dinner one night.

"I will be able to cook for you again soon," said Hao Min, smiling and gesturing at the bandages around his wrist and ribs.

The girl said nothing, and Hao Min felt his stomach drop.

When it came time to remove his bandages, he almost wished he could re-injure himself, and thus cause her a reason to stay.

"Hmm, all healed," the girl said, removing the bandages around his face last and throwing them to the ground where they sat one day, under the eaves, enjoying the cool breeze from the sea. "Luckily, your nose healed straight. Well, mainly straight."

"I am very lucky," said Hao Min with a wink and a smile. Then he swallowed. He asked the question he had been dreading. "When- when will you leave?"

The girl said nothing. Then she stood and went inside.

When she returned she had a pack of five color cards in one hand. In the other, a small dish a dried silver fish, that she often liked to snack on.

"Shall we play?" she asked.

"As you now know, I can't say no to cards," Hao Min said, laughing to hide his shame.

They played a few hands, all of which the girl won. When the fisherman caught sight of the small silver flakes of dried fish on the back a card, he realized how. Counting cards again, Xiao Chuan?

Finally the girl asked. "Shall we play for stakes?"

"What stakes?" asked Hao Min hesitantly. Dread filled his stomach.

"If you win, I will stay," the girl answered. "If I win, I will leave, and you will give me your ship."

Hao Min felt as though his ribs had been broken once more, and were slowly stabbing into his heart and chest. "Alright," he agreed softly. "I agree to those stakes."

The girl dealt their hand once more.

Resigned, Hao Min watched her study her cards, than his. Her eyes searched for the flecks of silver scales she had pressed to the back of the cards, to mark them.

If she wants to leave that badly, I will not stop her.

The girl bit her lip with concentration, then discarded.

Hao Min followed her lead, though he barely looked at his hand. He had a pair. The lowest hand in the game.

Without interest he claimed his new cards. They did nothing to improve his hand.

The girl studied her hand once more, than his. "Shall we show?"

Like a man doomed, Hao Min lay his hand on the ground between them.

Immediately his vision blurred. He could not help it. His mind traveled back. Finding the girl in his net, pulling her from the sea. Carrying her to his home, caring for her while she slept. The way she enjoyed whatever he caught and fed her. Her laughter, her taunting. Her weight on his chest that night, astride him in his hammock. Her shrug, and accpetance of his faults.

I will miss you, Xiao Chuan.

"Oh no. It looks like you won."

Hao Min blinked. The girl had lay out her hand as well. It was worse than his. She had nothing.

How did I... win?

The girl sighed heavily. "Well, it looks like I will have to stay."

Hao Min looked up at her, shocked. "Did you—"

"Now that you are healed," the girl interrupted. "I think you can catch me something to eat, correct?"

With a laugh Hao Min stood. Grabbing her waist, he kissed her deeply.

"What would you like to eat, Little Ship?" he asked at last, breaking their kiss.

The girl caught her breath. "Well, since you ask, I have been craving blue stripe."

Hao Min laughed. "It is not in season, but I will try my best."

With one more kiss for luck, he turned and made for the sea.



Chapter: 709
Total: 22, 370

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