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After being hospitalized for 2 weeks in England Chaitanya returned home in a private jet. In the home, he never came out of his room he watched classic movies and some of his favorite series . As per the doctor's advice, he never gave any strain to his leg. He can't walk without the help of others.

Chaitanya's POV:

When I came home I was totally shattered but still never showed it on my face I tried to be happy in front of my family. We consulted another specialist in our city with hope, But he warned me. If I didn't take my leg injury seriously, then in the future I may not able to play cricket permanently. Panic-stricken me never moved from my bed, I watched lots of old classic matches and GOT, I came out of my room by the skin of my teeth. These are the worst days of my entire life.

Rishab's POV:

My brother came home, we all were scared about his career because he came a long way to reach this height, he worked hard like a beast. He never loved anyone or anything the way he loved his profession. For him, Cricket is his life he can live without it. I tried to engage him when I am at home I cracked all my lame jokes and narrated my college stories and friends squad. I couldn't see my brother like this. The day after tomorrow is my birthday I don't want to celebrate it, but my brother chaitu who always cared about me, wanted me to celebrate. He gave me his debit card and asked me to purchase my birthday dress. then I purchased my dresses, I want to celebrate this birthday privately with my close friends' circle, so I thought of inviting my friends Ameeta and Doremi(Tanu), I gave her this nickname later everyone started to call her Doremi. They both are really supportive. The next morning I woke up early and studied because our 1st-semester exams will get off the ground in the beginning of next month.

In the hostel room,

Ameeta's POV:

I woke up early in the morning and sat on my study table with my cup of coffee. It's been a month since I came to know about shifali but still, I can't get over it, yes how can I forget that so easily, she got married and she didn't invite me. she invited our whole class except me. I loved her the most but she forgot me, how can she do this to her best friend, shit it hurts. I always laughed and engaged with people around me, sometimes I even forgot about this incident when I am with Doremi and Cupy(that's how I call Rishab), they cared about me a lot. But I feared to trust them because shifali also cared for me the way these two cared for me. Whenever I sit alone this incident haunts me like a bad nightmare. These two angles are helping me to come out of this. Yes, this hurts more than a break-up. I lost one of my lifelines. Suddenly I hear a song it is Doremi, she is happily singing and jumping on the bed. She was really very happy because yesterday our roommate Aathira has vacated. She doesn't want to stay with the brats like us, Doremi and Aathira had a nasty fight last week Aathira is a kinda perfectionist and slightly irritating character even I hate to be with her. Especially Doremi and Aathira used to fight every day. Even though she didn't fight with me, she often barges into my personal matters, Many times I clenched my fists and controlled my anger just to avoid unnecessary fights and arguments. I hate to be with her thankfully she herself vacated the room.

Ameeta: Hey sleeping beauty, how did you wake up so early?

Tanu: Because prince Phillip (a fictional character in the sleeping beauty movie) kissed so, Princess Aurora woke up.

Ameeta: oh shit! will never call you as sleeping beauty in my life get lost.

Tanu: oh chill madam, what are you doing? Dreaming about your future boyfriend?

Ameeta: Shut up! I am just thinking of my life.

Tanu: hey chill babes. let it go on its own.

Ameet: okay, that idiot cupy texted me.

Tanu: for what? Nowadays he never comes out with us and talking to us.

Ameeta: He is taking care of his big brother, so he can't talk to us after college.

Tanu: Hmm hmm.

Ameeta: He said that he has some doubts about macroeconomics, so he wants to do a group study. she called us to Central Park.

Tanu: okay jolly, let's have fun!!

Ameeta: okay, already it's been late.

Tanu: Let's get ready. If we didn't show up on time our mam will eat us.

Then we got ready and went to our college. After four boring hours, we decided to bunk our last class. we three drove to Central Park in cupy's car we sat on a stone bench. we started sharing our stories and when he started saying about his brother I felt so bad for him because I secretly have a crush on chaitu. After a big conversation, we started learning, when it comes to studies we will throw all our friskiness and concentrate on our subject. Later we decided to go to a cafe near the park. We all ordered our favorite dishes. Doremi's phone rang due to the poor network she went out, immediately Cupy called me nervously and started saying something but trailed off when he saw Doremi coming towards our table I can't understand what's going on but she noticed it. Then we discussed random things and gossiped about our classmates. Cupy invited us to his home for his small birthday celebration he also added that he invited very few friends, suddenly with expanded eyes I asked about his handsome celebrity brother. They both were shocked because I haven't shown this much excitement in my face about things, they both smirked at me I felt embarrassing. After eating we drove back to our room in a cab.

Tanu: hey, what's going on between you two? I have been watching you both for a quite long time, something is fishy.

Ameeta: You dumbhead he is our best friend and he is more like a brother for me.

Tanu: Mm. But not seems like that.

Ameeta: shut up! go and good night.

After talking to my parents, I went to sleep.

Rivers gonna meet soon!!!

Will meet you in the next over....

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