Peter| Spider bite

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Tony created a chatroom

Tony invited Steve, Natasha, Clint

Everyone joined.

Tony- Guys did u see Y/n's neck?!!

Steve- Is she hurt?!

Tony- No! she has hickeys on her neck!!!

Natasha- Tony she is 16 she probably has a boyfriend...

Clint- No! she's too young to have a boyfriend.

Steve- ^^^

Tony- Why not ask her?

Tony invited Y/n

Y/n joined

Y/n- Wassup my dudes!

Natasha- Tony here wants to know what happened to your neck

Tony- Yep, i wanna know

Y/n- Well.... its a spider bite.....

Steve- 😳 

Y/n- Here comes the spider.

Peter Parker joined the chat.

Peter- Hey guys!! :)

Tony- Kid you better run!

Peter- Why Mr.Stark?

Clint- You.better. do.

Tony left the chat

Clint left the chat

Peter- Well bye....

Peter left the chat.

Natasha- Steve you owe me $1000

Steve left the chat.

Natasha- Hey c'mon.....!

Natasha left the chat

Y/n- Hello darkness my old frind.

Deadpool joined the chat

Deadpool- Get some dic-

Y/n left the chat

Deadpool left the chat

Chatroom closed

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