Y/n is pregnant| Bucky Barnes

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[Y/N has created a new chatroom]

[Y/N has invited Tony, Steve, Bruce, Nat, Thor, Clint, Loki, and Peter P. to join the chatroom]

[Tony has entered the chatroom]

[Clint has entered the chat room]

[Clint has changed their name to Clint🏹]

[Tony has changed their name to 💰]

[Y/N has changed 💰's name to Tony]

Tony Wow, Y/N/N! Just wow

Tony Clint gets to keep his name, but I can't?

Y/N Clint only added an emoji, no one would know who you are

Clint🏹 They would figure it out once he starts talking

Y/N True, but I'd rather his name be Tony than 💰

Tony Whatever

Tony Why are we in a chatroom?

Y/N I will tell you when everyone else joins

Tony Ugh! Bruce never joins, this is going to take forever

Y/N Be patient.

Clint🏹 Why do you request the impossible?

[Thor has entered the chatroom]


Y/N Thor! You finally watched it!

Thor I get your 'Hairspray' references now!

Y/N And this is why you're my favorite

Clint🏹 Um..

Tony Hey! I'm the favorite

Y/N Hahahahahahahahaha

Y/N No.

Clint🏹 Can you text the others to get into the chat? I'm tired of waiting

Thor What are we waiting for?

Y/N I have an announcement

Clint🏹 You're getting married?!

Y/N I-

Y/N I'm already married- to Buck?

Clint🏹 Oh yeah...forgot about him

Y/N I'm not even going to ask

Tony So..if you have an announcement, why is your husband not in the chat?

Y/N He is sitting right besides me

Tony Oh- hi, Bucky?

Y/N He rolled his eyes

Tony Rude!

Thor Hello, James!

Y/N Bucky said hi

Tony Rude!

Y/N Bucky said get over it :)

[Steve has entered the chat]

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