The Bird, the Blood, and the Bee

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Technoblade POV

I walk with the winged person down the slightly cracked streets. The buildings on all sides of us are old and mostly abandoned and broken, only the occasional few having inhabitants that aren't mobs. This is one of the few times Phil, I believe, has actually let me outside, so I look around my surroundings.

I can tell that he's constantly watching me, to see if I'll run off or try and attack anything. But that doesn't stop me from observing the cracked housed. All the player buildings seem somewhat large and intricate in design, but not compared to the places Pigmen built back home. A few alleys are scattered around the place, between buildings. Phil grabs my hoof before I notice that I've stopped walking.

"Sorry," I mumble, though there isn't really anything to apologise for. I look at the bird man for assurance that I said it correctly and he looks back at me.

"Nothing' to be sorry for," I think he says. It sounds like it at least. English is a hard language to learn, and I've only been learning for almost year. From most of our interactions, he seems to be a pretty good person, much better than the last people that took me. They were mean.

"-- you ----- go home?" is all I can understand, but the meaning seems clear enough. And I do not want to go home, at least not just yet, so I shake my head. It's a thing that players do when they want to say no without saying anything. But, as I remember from the other times I've been out, this isn't a question.

"Too bad. We--- going home, no ------- Techno, it's ---- a few hours -------," bird man tells me.

"Okay," I say. It has been a few hours, which is more than the previous times, but it's still nothing compared to the weeks I spend inside and in the green patch outside the building called home. But it isn't true home. True Home is in the other place. And True Home I haven't seen since the days before the deceased rose.

Phil smiles at me and continues holding my hoof with his while we walk to false home. As we walk, the voices begin talking again. Typically, they only show up at moments of importance, like when I had to run, or when I found an orphanage. There are only about ten at the moment, so it may not be that significant. But a few more appear as we get closer to false home.

They aren't talking too much about anything and are staying relatively quiet, so they're, for the time being, easy to ignore. We continue walking down the path and the only sounds that can be heard above the whispers of the voices are the crow's caws and mine and Phil's hoofsteps.


Boo! Get to the good bit already, this is boring.

Blood for the Blood God!

Shut up! Can't it just be peaceful for once?

If things don't get interesting soon, I'll leave.

What if we all just scream at once.

Guys just shut up.

The voices say all different things, and it is occasionally hard to keep up with them, even with so few here now. Every couple of steps, I feel another presence appear in my head. Something will probably happen soon, and it gets a little hard to ignore them.

Guys, SHHHHH! It's gonna happen soon and I don't want it to not happen because you're all yelling!

Wait what?

Yeah guys, SHUT UP! Can't relax for one second.

FIIIIIIIIIIINNE! I'll be quiet then.

What's going to happen? Most of the voices have quieted down now, but more and more are coming. And then I hear it. The sound of a little bloodbag, otherwise known as a 'child'. I stop and pull my hoof away from Phil's and I start rushing towards the sound. It's coming from the last alley we passed. I hear bird man exclaims and start to follow me.

I turn the corner and continue forward, towards the sound. When I see what I believe to be the source of the noise I slow down and walk slowly to the box. Phil catches up to me and grabs my arm, beginning to drag me away before the noise becomes more audible. He lets go of me and turns to the box.

He takes a step towards it and looks back at me with squinted eyes. "Don't kill, Techno," that I understand perfectly, and I raise hooves and take a step back as I look at him. He sighs and turns back towards the box.

He gets closer to it and kneels on the ground. He opens the box and looks at the contents of it. I see a relatively bee fly out of it and land on the floor near me.

Kill it.

I step on the bee and flatten it on the stone. I lift my hoof and take a step back and there's a small smear of blood. It's wings twitch before going still and disintegrate into dust and EXP, but the blood stays.


Aww... I like da bee.


I look back at Phil and see him holding the little bloodbag. It is wearing dark green cloth and has golden hair, like bird man and orphan bloodbag. But unlike them, it has small horns on its head, and it is bigger than orphan bloodbag. It doesn't seem to be making any noises anymore.

"Techno, follow --. And don't go ----," bird man tells me while holding the box bloodbag. He hurries out of the alleyway and I follow him to false home, which is only a block away and we go in, to be greeted by Wilbur, Bad and Skeppy.


"And that is how we found Tubbo," I tell the two 'children', as I've been told to refer to them as. Wilbur and Phil are there too, but they both already know the story.

"You kill da bee? Why?" Tubbo, the green bloodbag, asks. I didn't mention the parts with the voices, as it isn't normal.

"I thought it was going to sting me, and it would have died anyway," I shrug. They don't need to know.

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