Heartbreak Of The Heroes - Part 2

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A/n - Before You start reading this, as I write this I haven't updated in a week. I'm sorry for not informing you all before hand, but I had multiple activities and tasks that I had to go thrugh and finish. I had no time to write. Now however, I once again write to you all about my favourite little villain.

 Now however, I once again write to you all about my favourite little villain

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(Y/N) POV:

Ahhh, the USJ. We planned the attack for weeks by now and finally, it is in motion. I love the look of terror and those so called heroes! I can also recognize some of them. Katsumi is here, that's not a surprise. She is really powerful and aggresive. I am surprised to see Izumi here, wasn't she quirkless? I guess I kinda own her a favor since she never bullied me.

(Y/N): "Nee-chan~, you see that green heard girl?" I say, pointing twords Izumi. "Please don't hurt her~ She was kind to me."

Tomu: "I'll do my best, lil bro." She promised, I know she'll do her best since she never lied to me. "Now, where is All Might? And after we brought all of our friends here just for her..."

She said that load enough to the point those heroes heard her, but she didn't care. We could see how the students were running back with Thirteen while Earaserhead was going to fight those thugs we brought with us.

Tomu: "Kurogiri, you know what to do."

And with that, Kurogiri went twords the exit and blocked it, starting her mission. Meanwhile, Earaserhead was doing quite well against our 'allias'. To the point big sis decided to fight her herself. She started to run twords Earaserhead and kept saying the time her quirk was earased to keep track of how much the heroin was worn out. This will be so cool! Big sis is awsome!

Izumi POV:

[A few moments before]

I can't believe it. He's alive! But, why is he with the villains? Why is he helping them? And w-why is he pointing at me?!

Aizawa: "Izumi, what do you mean 'brother'?

I was so caught in the moment that I didn't relize I said that out loud.

Uraraka: "Yeah, deku. What do you mean by that?"

Izumi: "The boy I was talking about, the one who inspired me, yesterday I founnd out he was my brother. Well, he was annouced dead, but they never found a body. He was the only person to say that I can be a hero in my entire class. We acually nevr knew we were related and i must find out more about that."

Aizawa: "Ok, but do you know why would he side with the villains?"

Izumi: "I don't really know, but since he is a boy, he was picked on by everyone but me. He never spoke much and was accepting of the beatings he recived, always because he was a male."

Katsumi: "And he sure damn deserved it!" She said that like it was nothing, I can't help but wonder why are so many people treat males like that. "That good for nothing male is nothing more than a breeding horse, at best!"

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