Bloody Path, Bloody Past

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A/N  - Sorry for not updating for so long. Worked on other stories for a  bit as well as having some private matters that needed, and honestly still need, to be taken care of.

For now, let's head into the deapths of the internship arc!

For now, let's head into the deapths of the internship arc!

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In a bar,somewhere unknown in Japan, three people could be seen. The first was working at the bar, cleaning the ever so clean glass as if waiting to do something else, was Kurogiri. The mist women was looking over aty none other than Shigeraki, who was thinking what to do with the meeting she will soon have with none other than the hero killer, Stain, whom Kurogiri managed to agree for a meeting a day prior. Lasty, it was none other than the only male of the leauge as he was laid back on the couch watching television and switching between each channel, trying to find something amusing to watch aside from the news channels, all of which are still talking about the attack he had made on UA during the sports festival. Most of them were siding with All Might, as they all wanted the males to stay as breeding horses. From time to time you would hear a reporter asking why would the true colours of the number 1 hero be hidden from the public, whom mostlly agreed with the news channels to not care about the males voice. only a very minimal news channels have said they are ashamed to look up at All MIght and call her a hero. Right now, (Y/N) has landed on channel 665, which held a news broadcast over his attack, again.

Reporter: "Good evening ladies, my name is Karen Killjoy, and here are the news. To start of, more insight on the atatck during the sports festival! Why did the unamed male attack and how does he have a quirk? What will be his guranteed punishment and most importantly, when will he be up for grabs as a breeding horse? Joining me is the specialist for male behavior of Tokyo PD, Miyazaki Noriko."

Noriko: "Thank you miss Killjoy. The plessure is mine."

Reporter: "The plessure sure is yours. So, for starters, a topic many want to know is why would the male attack UA high during the sports festival, knowing so many pro heroes as well as future heroes were there? Why wasn't he caught?"

Noriko: "Well, as per his showing during the attack, the polices first belief is that he attacked out of revenge over his past tormentor as well as, according to what he said, the one hero that saw it happen yet didn;t save him. Another possebility we are looking into is that he was mentally unstable, in which case he will be treated and will be held back from the breeding program, as to not do any possible harm to any baby given from his seed."

Reporter: "Next matter is, how did a male recive a quirk?! This is something that has been running around the social media all around Japan and have seen multiple diffrent theories as to why that happen."

Noriko: "Well, we have been looking at any possible method a male could possibly have a quirk and have even began to look into the past in order for us to find answers. However, as of right now, we at the PD have found no possible way for a male to have a quirk. That leaves us with two possebilities. The first one being that he have found a way to get a quirk of which none knows of. The second possebility is that he has a friend who has that quirk and was the one to use it while the male was the face of tghe  attack."

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