Chapter 5-eek!

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I can't believe Error was gonna challenge me! Man, we haven't done this in years. Especially...well.........when he was a destroyer. Of course we still had secret visits to Geno's save screen, though when Geno managed to get out we had to sneek off to Errors anti-void so he could see him. I guess it's too bad Geno couldn't join us, oh well. I then said to Error. "Where did ya' get 'dis one from 'den?" He soon replied. "Stole it from the guys base while Nightmare was busy trying to get Killer and Horror to stop fighting" deccy then asked "guys?" "Yeah, the bad guys. As in Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Cross, Horror and occasionally yours truly" ink the looked at Error who was sitting next to him and asked "what are we watching anyways?" Then me, Error and Deccs said at the same time "horror film"

I could see ink get a little nervous, but oh well it's Error's turn to pick and it's almost always a horror film. Deccs had gotten used to it by now.

The film started and I could feel Deccy snuggle up to me and wrap his arms around one of mine. Though he did this all the time, even when we were kids, once I was about 14 every time he did it I felt.....different. Now every time he does it, I feel my cheek bones heat up slightly and my soul skip a beat. Once I turned 16 I did it even more often, but only around him. It made me feel like myself, and no not skittles, like...actually me! Genuine feelings! From me! Either way I'm getting off topic. Sure, I was still worried about ma' big bro. But I knew this film would help. Which is why I played it cool.


I watched Decans snuggle up to Fresh, I kinda wish Ink would do that with me. Wait. What?! I  immediately felt my cheeks heat up from that thought. Then I heard a soft voice whisper to me. "Error? Are you ok?" I looked down to my right and I saw none other than Ink worrying about me. I quietly said back. "I'm fine Ink" then I heard a teasing voice from behind me. "Sure your not~"  "mom! You know we're watching a horror film!" I whisper shouted at her. "I thought you weren't jumpy" "Not unless someone scares me on purpose! You know that!" "Either way, I grabbed some blankets for all of you." My Mum proceeded to plop blankets around people's shoulders. One between Fresh, Decans and Epic. Wait! When did Epic get here!? Eh, who cares. Fresh probably texted him. Those three are practically glued together.

Their blanket was brightly coloured blues, pinks and greens. Reaper's blanket was deep red with a mixture of grey splotches. Then mine and Ink's blanket was a deep ocean blue, the same colour of my strings. Then I realised. I turned to my mom and said. "You...kept this?" "Of course I would. You made it after all, I've kept a lot of yours, Geno's and Fresh's things that you liked when you were younger." "Like what?" "Well obviously the blanket you made for me when I was ill,(me- not cannon!) Fresh's game boy and your brothers cane and hospital bracelets. There are a few other things but these were the most special" She them planted a kiss on my forehead. "Mom..." "what? I can't love my boys?" I would argue mum can be scary when angry so it's best not to. Although I'm 26 and a multiverse known destroyer she still finds a way to love and scare me.

Knowing that I wasn't going to say anything the walked back into the kitchen while I turned my head back to the screen. What did I put on? A cabin in the woods. (Me- if you are allowed to watch it and haven't, it's a great horror. It's not super scary. Want proof? I'm under 14 and I've watched and loved it. Srsly go watch it)

~~le time skip from thathorrorlustlover~~

Anddddd........chop!(me- I ain't giving no spoilers) I felt Ink flinch and grab tight into my chest, squealing slightly. My cheeks turned a bright yellow. NO! SNAP OUT OF IT! He was your mortal enemy for asgore's sake! Then one of my old tormentors, the voices, said.
{"what do we have here?"}{"looks like we've got a knew way of tormenting you~"}{"this will definitely be fun"}{"100% yes! I SHIP YOU TWO SO HARD!"}{*squealing intensifies*}{"ugh you disgust me, including you two Error"} . I just replied back under my breath saying, "gee, thanks. Your such big helpers" {"just admit it, there all idiotic children"} Once again under my breath I said. "And that's why your my favourite." {you said you didn't have favourites!"}{yeah!} "I didn't chose to get stuck with you imbeciles." {"how rude!"}{"indeed!} "Oh stop whining and watch the film"

~~yet another time skip bc I'm lazy~~

——NO POV——

It was now pretty late, 12:07AM to be exact. Decans had fallen asleep on Epic and Fresh. Asy had gone home and Miss CQ was watching TV in her room, waiting for the hospital to phone her. Ink had eventually gotten off Error as his voices tormented him more, getting him close to crashing. Especially after Fresh added a cheeky comment. Everyone was pretty tired now, except for Reaper. Oh poor Reaper, he has been worried sick! Ink then said. "I think it's best if we go to bed now." Fresh and Epic nodded in agreement. Ink and Error got up, Error's blanket wrapped around Ink's shoulders and headed to Error and Fresh's old bedroom. Fresh and Epic headed upstairs behind them, with Decans in Fresh's arms. Reaper follows behind but went into a room next to theirs, it was Geno's old room.

Fresh an Epic snuggled up close with Decans between them on Fresh's old bed. Ink sat down on Error's bed while Error hesitantly looked at it. Ink noticed this and calmly said. "Don't worry, I won't touch you. I can put the blanket In between us." Error smiled slightly and sat down and just as Ink said he would do, he put the blanket between them and they both drifted off to sleep.

~~yet another time skip(I need to stop)~~

Error woke up in a black void where there was about an inch of water everywhere on the floor. Except for one path. A  luscious green grass pathway, about a meter in diameter that led into the colourless void. Error walked upon the path, seeing it as the only way to go. After a minute or two the pathway started to become bigger, eventually leading to a rage circle of grass where a beautiful cherry blossom tree sat in the middle. In front of the tree sat a rather large woman, she must of been a meter or two taller than Error. Her hair was long and wavy while the ends were tinted a light purple, almost like a lilac colour. Her clothing was the same, bright, pearly whites with lilac tints. Her clothes was a large flowy dress that moved side to side in the non-existent wind. The edges of the sleeves and bottom of the dress were slightly torn but yet still coved her hands and her legs, making her look like she was floating. She spoke in a soft, calming, motherly voice. "I see you have fallen in love" "and what gives you that idea?" "Oh, the voices tell me everything. They have to. Normally I would be fine with this whole love concept you feel right now is with my child and you are not worthy of my child." The woman turned around to show a beautiful face with pure gold eyes and forever flowing golden tears.
"F-fate?" "Correct my little toy~ now. Stay. Away. From. Ink." "B-but.." "was that talking back? I thought CQ raised you better!" "N-NO! OF COURSE NOT!" " ears heard otherwise. I 'ought to teach you a lesson shall I?" "W-WAIT! N-" The taller woman, more commonly known as FATE held out her hand and pointed it towards Error, she clenched her fist and in milliseconds Error was in immense pain, causing him to collapse to the floor and cry uncontrollably, screaming, shaking, flailing, anything, just to make it stop.....

Error shot up out of bed, hot tears streaming down his face while his body shook. He swiftly wiped his tears away and check to see if anyone was awake. They weren't. He slid out from the bed and walked over to the windowsill. It had multiple cushions on it as well as a small pile of astronomy books. He pushed the books down to one end and sat at the other. He brought his knees up to his chest and leant his head against the window, staring at the stars above. Perhaps he should knit? Yeah, that sounded good to him. And so he began to knit a star themed scarf.

1534 words
(17th May)

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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