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I bite down on my lip in thought, wondering if I should go after him. I know I'll have to, things will just go down from here if I don't.

"I'll be right back." I tell Roman before running off after him, but he grasps my arm, pulling me back to face him.

"Seriously? Don't chase after him." He scoffed. "He's acting like a child."

"I need to."

He exhales in annoyance before letting go of my arm; I take off after him before he gets too far. I do care about ethan's feelings, yes. But if he tells my parents, I'll be dead. Literally, maybe.

I run opposite the direction of the dining hall, because I'm sure he won't go somewhere with a lot of people. I'm speeding down a random hallway, when i find the dimly lit kitchen, and an open back door.

I walk out the door and find Ethan sitting down close to the pool. When I get close to him, he immediately stands up and moves farther away, as if he's disgusted by my closeness.

"Ethan stop, your being dramatic right now."

"Really?" He laughs. "I'm the one that caught you in a hidden room with the guy that works in my front yard."

"We're friends." I clarified.

But when I see the angry glare that sits on Ethan's face, and the sound of footsteps behind me, I know that roman followed me out here.

I look over my shoulder to see him coming out the back door, I scowl at him before turning my gaze back to Ethan. Why would he come out here? It will just make everything worse.

"Look who's here!" He raises his voice, and I hush him quietly.

"Stop." I whispered. "You're going to everyone's drag attention back here, if they hear you."

"Good." He growled. "Then maybe they can get a good insight on what's really happening in our relationship."

Roman's eyes meet mine, and a curious-but mostly confused expression is washing over his face. I'll explain everything to him later if this problem doesn't blow up.

"You need to leave." Ethan demands, pointing a firm finger at roman. "Now."

I glance up at him, and nod by head. Agreeing with ethan. It seems terrible. But I need him to go-I don't need Ethan causing a scene, and with Roman right beside me, he surely will.

"Fine." He runs both of his hands through his hair in frustration. Before he leaves, he lowers his mouth close to my ear, whispering so that his words are inaudible to Ethan's ears.

"I'll see you inside." he said softly.

I nod, listening to his footsteps behind me, the sound of them padding around the pool, and back to the kitchen tile.

A strain of silence sits quietly in the air. It's an overwhelming feeling of silence...like I don't want to say the wrong thing, but he doesn't want to break it.

I amble over to a white sun chair and sit down on the end. He's still standing with his arms crossed over his chest―staring into the bright water.

The blu-ish glow of the pool is illuminating the entire back yard as the sun hides behind the city, and the moon rises in it's time.

"You don't have to worry about-" I started to speak, but was cut off right away.

"You're right, I won't." He looks over at me. "Because when I tell my father about him, he'll be fired and you'll never see him again."

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