Chapter 22

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There was another problem, one of the maids happened to have scene the sight at the curved corner and screamed at the top of her lungs.

All the attention turned to her, everyone that were escaping with Heliete ran over to see what was going on, and to their horror, the sight infront of them was a horrifying blood bath.


This is when danger noticed the scream of fear and headed straight to the source.

Footsteps were heard and Heliete reacted quickly and shouted "RUN!!!"

Everyone turned their tails and started dashing away from the scene.

Heliete with the help of Jia quickened to her maiden feet and also ran behind everyone else, making sure her daughter was in front of her and less endangered.

The group ran for more than ten minutes and had eventually lost the pursuers persistent tailing.

They took a short break and hid behind a corner.


"Hmm..?" Heliete turned her attention to Liliana while breathing heavily.

"what is going on?.. what are we running away from?" Liliana asked her mother who in return squinted her eyes and turned her head to the side.

"Mother... Please tell me" She asked again.

Heliete yet again stayed silent but Liliana would not stop her persistent questions. She was determined to receive an answer.

Realization struck Liliana like a rock,
'there was no other reason for this than that' she thought.
"have they come?"

Heliete widened her eyes and sighed
Heliete gave in and replied to her daughter while turning her head to the side ashamed.

When Liliana received an answer she gripped her left hand tight trying to suppress her rage towards the cause.
'I knew it!, That man isn't human!'
When Liliana thought of the said person, her whole body reacted with a shiver of fear but,
at the same time she felt disgust and rage that blanketed her fear. " He will pay for this....." Liliana whispered under her breathe which her mother caught sight of.

They had yet to notice the two people that were not in the group. But Liliana noticed.

"Wait.... Where is Irene-sama and Vlad?" Liliana asked looking around after not noticing their presence for a while.
(Liliana gives no formality here as Vlad and Liliana go way back)

A few moments ago :
"Nee-san, we seem to have lost the others" Vlad said slapping his hand on his forehead out of frustration.

"I guess we are..." Irene said not a care in the world, Vlad looked at her as a sweat dropped, and shook his head. "You're too carefree nee-san, it's almost worrying"

"What's so worrying about what?"she asked in confusion.

"Naive, too naive and carefree" Vlad whispered to himself.

"What was that?" She asked. Vlad shook his head "nothing it's...." Before he could even finish his sentence someone came behind him and covered his mouth.

"Vlad!" Irene called with worry, but before she could run to him someone came behind her and knocked her out.

they were both knocked unconscious and taken away by the strangers.

Back in time:
"Oh no!... They must have been left behind" Heliete replied.

"We have to go back!" Liliana shouted with worry, but was stopped by Jia.

"No ojou-san, it's too dangerous. I'm sure they'll figure something out" Jia said with no worry at all, all she cared about was the Mistress and young Lady. She was determined to get them to safety.

"But, Jia! we have to....." she was cut off with a glare by Jia.

"No! I won't put you in danger" she replied with sternity.

"Jia, surely there must be a way" even Heliete was being childish.

"My lady, I thought you knew better. I will not put you two in any sort of danger, even if it kills me one day"

"Jia, don't say that!" Liliana shouted with tears starting to pour out of her eyes. "How can you say that after what happened to the others, don't ever die Jia...
Please" she sobbed.

"Ojou-san...." Jia was touched as her heart beated with happiness, she smiled "ok, I promise I won't die" she reassured Liliana.

"I just hope Irene-sama and Vlad are ok..." Liliana said with uncertainty.

"I'm sure they'll be fine" Jia reassured her.

All of a sudden they heard heavy footsteps and chattering not too far away. Heliete reacted quickly and snuck into a nearby room with everyone behind her, she hid behind the door and peered through the small gap that she had left open.

The footsteps were getting louder as they neared the group. Heliete's heart quickened as the intrudes neared their hiding place. Her heart beated faster and faster with each step that neared, she squinted her eyes and after a couple of seconds opened them. They had past them and so she sighed with relief.

Heliete creeped out of the room making sure to check her surroundings, when she noticed it was clear, She nodded to Jia and everyone else followed behind.

They ran for what seemed liked twenty minutes and this is when
Heliete was beyond her limits and she started feeling the pain in her muscles.

Just like that her grip loosened on Jia and she fell face flat on the cold hard marble floor.

"Mother!!" "My lady!!" Liliana and Jia said in unison. They both dashed down to the fallen Lady who felt quite exhausted and dizzy.

Liliana constantly called out to her mother but Heliete could only hear muffled sounds as her head throbbed immensely. Eventually her mind and body gave out and she lost consciousness.

"Mother!!" Liliana shouted with tears in the corners of her eyes. Jia shaked Heliete with desperation in hopes that her Lady would wake up, but to no avail did Heliete show signs of awakening.

The commotion caught attention of the pursuers and they followed the sounds.

"Moth...mmfh..." Someone clasped their hands on Liliana's mouth enabling her unable to speak.

"Shhh...." Liliana rolled her eyes over to the one that clasped their hands on her mouth.

MangaAnimeMe ❤️
Hey guys,
I hope you enjoyed the chapter, sorry for the long wait.

I hope you have a nice day/night, byeeee☺️

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