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Izuku laid flat on his back, gazing upwards to a world that could see him while he in turn saw nothing. Three months ago that would have felt like pure torture and agony. Three months ago he wouldn't have been able to accept such a fact to be truth. But it became evident to him that all it took was time. Time to understand the situation and regard it with opened eyes. Time to know the upsides as well as acknowledging and accepting the down. Because that in itself took courage. It took courage to look upon a dilemma and be prepared to have to live with such a dilemma. He wasn't afraid. No, not anymore. It was funny how before all he could possibly experience was just that: fear. And now his lack of vision just seemed to be another part of him. One of the many things to make up the person that he is today without ultimately defining all that he could possibly be.

So still he gazed up. Realising and simultaneously accepting he may not be able to see the midnight azure ocean above him, yet having the courage to not let that stop him. Being dark anyway, it must not look much different to what he was met with anyway. He just had to keep reminding himself of that. Because then it would be that much easier to cope. He was just experiencing an eternal night. But what was to say that the night had to be terrifying?

No. No it was beautiful and equally magical as it was mysterious. While it may appear frightening by the way it cloaked everything it touched it its shroud of the darkest colours and hues, there was something oddly peaceful in that. Peaceful in the way it introduced tranquility over towns as it arrived. Peaceful in the way it's cool breeze was enough to calm any storm. The way it coaxed buildings to shine and project it's dull light that hoped to compete with the diamond stars above it. Yet could never even closely compare. It amazed him that despite the stars constantly glowing, it took the night to bleed across their beauty and allow them to awaken. Without it you'd maybe even forget that they were still there - only reminded at these times. Reminded of such hidden beauties.

Izuku rolled over, met with Katsuki's sleeping figure and checked his phone for the time. It buzzed as it lit up, a robotic voice built into the device informing him it was three in the morning. He sat up immediately, not realising they had overslept a little.

"Kacchan...Kacchan wake up...I forgot to set an alarm we have to get ready to go to the airport."

Katsuki could barely register the words Izuku was telling him. All he knew was that he was exhausted beyond belief and wanted to rest more.

"Five more minutes," he whispered in protest, pulling Izuku close to him to he couldn't escape. His words dragged a little and he had a dull throbbing headache from the night before.

"Kacchan we have to get up," Izuku persistently reminded him, trying to break free but in all honesty he was completely fine in this embrace. "We over slept Kacchan, we're going to miss your flight!" He argued, finally breaking free and pushing Katsuki out of their blanket bed in the hope it would wake him up. His body hit the cold surface of the roof and the disruption made him even more irritated than he already was.

"What the fuck is your problem, Deku?" Katsuki scowled, snatching back the blankets and bundling himself back up in them. Izuku sat there in disbelief, huffing angrily at what he could only describe as childish behaviour. It was still pitch black outside and both of them were sleep deprived so of course they would be a little snappy with each other. But it didn't excuse Katsuki's need to be petty.

"It's like you're desperate for me to actually leave," the blonde added, certainly not helping the current situation one bit but he couldn't keep his mouth shut. He was just as angry as Izuku right now but for different reasons. Honestly he wouldn't be able to name half of them. Not that it mattered.

Izuku scoffed. "Is that what you really think?" He asked, walking around to face Katsuki who simply rolled over the other way again. Having enough, he tore the blanket off of him again. Katsuki opened his mouth to yell in protest but shut up immediately when he saw Izuku's exasperated expression.

𝕯𝖚𝖘𝕶 𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝕯𝖆𝖜𝖓 [𝖇𝖆𝕶𝖚𝖉𝖊𝕶𝖚]Where stories live. Discover now