Anyone Else

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Izuku's eyelashes fluttered as he felt warm sunlight spill over his face. He shifted slightly, groaning as his body started to sluggishly wake up. He stifled a yawn, opening an eye, though it made no difference whatsoever. The first early thought to rattle about in his groggy mind was if he remembered to do the washing last night, cuddling closer onto whatever seemed to be so very comfortable. The feathery tendrils of the blanket tickled his nose as he stretched out across the sofa he forgot he laid on, cold feet poking out the ends.

Last nights' moments called out to him in the hazy glow of exhaustion, but all he really found himself paying attention to was this warmth surrounding him. It was...nice. It was comforting and safe and welcoming. It made his eyelids close and want to rest forever.

Izuku blinked slowly, rubbing the back of his hand over his brow, and sighed heavily. The quiet buzz of voices from the television came to his attention, realising he must have accidentally left it on the night before. He didn't remember ever falling asleep, just listening to the sound of people talking, sharing odd few words with Katsuki.

Speaking of which, where was he – ?

The greenette froze as he felt what he believed to be the sofa shift beneath him. Except sofas weren't supposed to breathe nor did they have heartbeats...

Oh shit.

Shit shit shit!

Knowing what this meant, Izuku fought the desperate urge to run into the kitchen, but he knew that any sudden movements would surely wake up the sleepy boy beneath him. And if he wanted to live he'd just have to stay still a little longer so he wouldn't have to deal with an angry and grumpy blonde. He tried to reign in his racing heart fearful of death that would surely come, when he needed to be anything but, to survive this awkwardly strange situation. He inhaled slowly, finding himself attempting to match his breathing with the gentle pace of Bakugo's.

Every time his chest moved beneath Izuku, his breath fanning against the other's mess of hair, it soon became sort of relaxing. The steady beat of his heart, that Izuku felt pulse beneath his head, was like a lullaby in the sense that it calmed the green haired hero. It made his eyes close, the fleeting idea of simply just remaining in Katsuki's embrace a little bit longer passing in his mind simultaneously. Yet there was something very wrong with that thought.

Anyone else and the excuse would be fine, reasonable even. Anyone else and the explanation wouldn't anger them. Anyone else – why couldn't it be anyone else? Staying here with him? Annoying him, finding out more and more of a secret Izuku didn't want out, but seems he isn't the best at keeping things that way. His life has always been steady and calm, apart from his hero work of course, but the moment Katsuki comes along even the small things get turned upside down. Such as the situation he found himself in now.

They must have just fallen asleep on the sofa purely from the exhaustion of forcing their minds to stay active and awake for many many hours. And in their sleep they'd come closer together, which was probably inevitable with the sofa being as small as it was. Izuku can stretch out his legs and they reach the opposite end. But then he hasn't grown an awful much since high school, less than he'd really prefer at least. He hasn't changed in other ways all too much either. Except in his face he looks older and in every little scar obtained throughout the years of working. He wonders how Katsuki looks now, how he's changed. Though according to the attitude he's been dealing with so far, not too much. It's strange how he lost his vision before he could ever see Katsuki after six years.

Bakugo made a muffled sound, close between a groan and a yawn, bringing Izuku back to present day. The blonde's arm held on a little tighter to Midoriya, forcing him to cover his mouth to mute the squeak of surprise. He really ought to move now, for more reasons than one. Katsuki would kill him if he did wake up, and on top of that, Izuku could only imagine the amount of embarrassment there'd be. It wasn't every day you find yourself trapped in the embrace of someone you very much dislike.

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