A/N not a chapter (going to delete soon)

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Guys im not dead  😂
Honestly I was going to update a chapter but I got distracted and then my opportunity was gone (my bad)

But when I don't have school or any upcoming tests I'll continue where I left off

It's not like I've lost inspiration or has writers block it's just that I get distracted easily

I just wanted to come on here today cause I've noticed the I haven't update in like what?,2,3 month,Even though my last update was 5 chapters straight

Anyways thank you all for reading this story hope you've enjoyed it so far

And get ready for when I come back 😉
A LOT of you are probably going to rage and be left on cliffhangers

So for now toodles and until next time

(Lol I love the way I say goodbye ❤️)

P.s if you ever feel a certain way about life and people on this earth,Just remember you were born for a reason and shouldn't care about what others think about you,their opinion does not matter

'This is what I told myself and im somewhat okay'

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