I wont ever leave you

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sasuke got out of his Lamborghini Veneno and started to make his way to his and naruto's house

He opened the door very hurriedly,excited to be close to his bombshell of a dobe that was carrying his lovely unborn baby boy.

as soon as he opened the door he expected a  really happy blonde to jump on him,naruto will do that everytime he came home ON TIME

if  sasuke came late he would be ignored no matter what he did,he wouldnt even be able to have fun in bed with his blonde cause he would be mad at  him

he would have to buy buckets of ramen so he could be forgiven

anyways it was weird for him to not come running into his arms ,so he got worried and decided to call out his name


he shouted so loud that he could hear his own voice echo throughout the masion

he quietly walked into the house and stood in the hallway,he reckoned he would grab some already-made ramen from the fridge

to warm up just in case naruto was mad at him,he came early so what now

he walked into the kitchen with his hands into his suit pockets,he took a hand out and used it to mimic a comb to comb out his hair

and to push his fringe back and sighed

"what did i do now,these days since he became pregnant hes become more moody,i remember one time  i didnt want to go out at 2am in the morning to get him ramen,he threw a trantrum and speaking of threw he nearly threw a chair at me,so I had to go get it before he put me in critical condition at the hospital"

sasuke didnt mind this was all for his beautiful blue eyed blonde,he was gonna make a family with the love of his life

he grabbed a glass from one of the cabinets thinking he would poor some beer in it to drink before he warms up his blondes ramen

he was going to open the fridge but something caught his eye

a piece of paper

he walked over to the counter where the paper layed,his heart beat quickened and he didnt know why but decided to ignore it

he placed the glass down on the counter before him and picked up the paper,he scanned throught it quickly

it was a letter from his blonde,he had to read over it  a couple of times to make sure his eyes were not fooling him and he was not hallucinating

he quickly dash up the stair and in that proccess,sliding his arm across the counted making the glass that was peacfully placed there land on floor with a loud


sasuke didnt want to believe what his eyes saw he was on the verge of tears

as he reached their bedroom door

he couldnt believe his eyes

he was on the floor lifeless,blood surounding him

his pretty,bright blonde hair partly red,soaked in his blood

A knife that was a couple of metres away from the lifeless blonde

sasuke wanted to scream he really wanted......

sasuke collapsed on his knees,he didnt want to beleive it,he just couldn't,he wouldnt

"NARUTO,NARUTO,you're.....,YOURE still alive right please......"

sasuke took in naruto's hand and pressed it against his cheek then his lips

"Babe please,i love you,i didnt mean what i did to you,it was a mistake" Sasuke sobbed

The door suddenly swung opened,there stood sakura with her belly bulging

"ugh thank God hes dead,bout time"

sasuke was enraged but decieded not to shout he didnt want to shout in the presents of his baby and his beautiful blonde

he kissed his blondes hand one more time and stood up

he walked towards sakura and grabbed her shirt

"GET.OUT"he said coldly,his eyes hand no life in it

without his blondes he feels nothing,he has nothing, his blonde brings him life,happiness and so much more

"awww,sasuke-kun stop playing around"


"hahaha okay sasuke,im getting scared now so can you stop,its not funny anymore"

"........"he stares at her coldly without saying anything

sakura got chills so she decieded to go

"im gonna go now so be sure to get rid of the body and come back home with our family"

she went

sasuke broke down what did he do

in the letter it said

Dear sasuke

i love you,but i cant live,i just cant,
like sakura said you should have a normal family,she is already pregnant with your child so i guess its fine,ill take this child in my belly to heaven with me

I have decided to let you go

you dont need us,i dont know if you love me or not but i hope you did have feelings at the start,i know our child would of loved you but sadly i am selfish and took him with me

im sorry

i hope you have a happy and lovely family with sakura,i dont deserve you

i love you

sincerely,naruto and your baby boy

"your not selfish" sasuke whispered

"No I dont deserve you"

"I love you so much"sasuke said in pain

he started to bawl his eyes out,crying naruto's name




sasuke was awoken by someone shouting his name and shaking his body really hard

"naruto" i said in a hoarse voice

i sat up really quickly and turned to naruto


"are you okay you were crying and screaming my name in your sleep,I was really worried" naruto said in a worried voice

he was on the verge of tears

i hugged him not tighly because he has grown a bit and i didnt want to hurt him or the baby

"i just thought you left me"

i could feel his jaw move into a smile

"i wont ever leave you,i love you too much"

"i hope you don't and i love you more"

we broke away,and shared a passionate kiss,making naruto fall back into sheet with his hands roaming my abs and my hands either side of his head

we broke away and i layed back down next to him and pulled him back into my arms facing me

"ill hug you so you cant escape from me ever" i kiss his forehead

he laughs

"i wont ever leave you" he kisses my nose

"i love you"

"i love you too" he moves a bang away from my face

i smile

I got my hand and touch touched his plumb belly,he started to caress my cheek gently with his thumb

"Mine"I stated possessively


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