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A/N: As I rewrite this whole fanfiction, I will be keeping in mind for male readers. The previous one was intended for female audience and changed it last minute due to some advices from outside forces so there were some errors. I hated that.

I hope you enjoy this version. ^^


You weren't rich and only relied on your smarts, but even that wasn't enough to live in this world where money was everything. 

"I'll get going now, dad!" you shouted across the small apartment complex as you put on your jacket. "Alright, be safe!" he bids goodbye, peeking his head at a corner.

It has been many years that it have just been you and your dad living in a small apartment ever since your mom filed a divorce. She apparently grew tired of the same old love and seek a new one in some guy who had went through a divorce, and had a child much younger than you.

But it didn't matter to you, and you held no hatred for the woman you still call mom. You've come to an understanding that not everything will end happily until death, even relationships. That is why you don't concern yourself with something you can't change and focused your energy in the present.


"Hey, your late," your coworker, Aru, greets from behind the counter. A grin was plastered on his face. "It's just by 5 minutes," you said blankly, making your way around the counter to the backroom to put your backpack down. "And besides, the hag isn't coming today."

"Aw, I thought I could fool you," he joked, laughing to himself.

Your father couldn't work anymore due to a past leg injury that made him unable to do much except limp small distances around the house, so you worked hard to make a living for both you and your father while also maintaining your studies in college. And one day when you have enough money, you'll pay for your dad's leg surgery.

"Hey, whatcha idling over there for? Hurry and get over here; people are filing in," Aru spoke, snapping you from your daze. You came back at the front of the coffee shop and watch as what once were one or two people coming in turn into a group of people. It was Saturday so it was understandably busy.

You took no breaks until time was nearing afternoon for your lunch break, going to the back to eat a sandwich with ingredients you threw together.

Bored, you took out your phone and scrolled through Outstagram as you took small bites of your food. You weren't so interested in any of the topics given and became interested in something else-- particularly a familiar voice you hear at the front of the shop.

"Haru-san!" you greeted the older man once you stepped back to the scene. Haru's attention moved from your coworker to you. "(Y/N), hey. Were you on your break?" he greets, a smile on his face as he does.

You nod. "Yeah. And what about you? Aren't you still working?" you asked.  "Yeah, but this new damn coworker of mine is giving me a hard time, ordering me around and stuff." He ruffles his hair as he chuckles forcibly.

"Is it the same guy you talked about last week?" He nods and sighs with obvious exhaustion. "Wow, he really is a needle on the side," you said in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Well, there's not much I can do," he sighs. Then, "Sorry to break your little chit-chat but, sir, here is your order," Aru says, stepping in.

"Haha. Well, that's my cue to go back," Haru takes his order from Aru and looks at you. "Well, see you later." You nod. "See you later, Haru-San."

"I still wonder how you guys met," Aru suddenly speaks, moving your attention from the door where he left to your coworker. "It's pretty amazing that you befriended someone from the police."

It was indeed. You were still small when you met Haru in his late teenage years. You didn't know how you guys became friends but your childhood was mostly filled with you two going to the park and getting ice cream as his treat. You really looked up to him that you're studying law enforcement. One day, you'll be able to stand on the same level as him.

You shook your head, stopping your reminiscing. "Let's get back to work. My break is about done anyway."


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