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[Sorry for the wait! Currently attending university myself so sometimes don't have any free time to write new chapters. So here's an extra-long one to make up for it!]

"Ugh damn it, it's freezing!" As the weeks went by the weather started to become colder and colder making Y/N start to regret losing that really warm jacket over a month ago. Now all they had was their inferior jackets that didn't get close to the warmth their favourite one did. If they weren't busy paying jacked up prices for university they would've bought 10 new jackets by now. However, that was not the only thing on their mind at this moment. They had a report to hand in on one of their elective classes the next day, having just gotten out of their class for today, they needed to sit down and get that done before they forget. Wasn't their favourite thing to do since they attended university in order to hone their music-making skills but they needed to take on an elective to meet the criteria for their major. They would be lying if they said they didn't straight up speed run a good majority of this report the night before. You couldn't blame them, they were only human after all. 

Walking into campus and finding a seat in the library Y/N gets started on finishing the rest of the report, making sure to correct any mistakes left behind from their sleep-deprived self the night before. 

It had been a few hours of non-stop work, quite a bit of procrastinating in the form of seeing one of their university friends in the library as well and calling out to them for a "quick" chat. But in the end, they actually got the report done. It seemed like it was time for some take out that they probably shouldn't be buying since they can totally save money for a new jacket by cooking at home. But of course, they hadn't eaten since breakfast and were letting their stomach do the talking. They had a craving and the only thing that could quench it was some Chinese food that is quite literally right across the street from the university campus.

Getting their wallet ready and already knowing what they were gonna get, Y/N heads across the road and buys 2 bags worth of food. Were they planning to eat this all in one night. Yes. Were they going to succeed? Probably not, but that just means tomorrow's lunch and dinner is already sorted. Rip their wallet, so much for saving money. Sometimes food takes priority in their spending habits, they can just feel guilty about it later while they are stuffing their face with delicious food

They walk along the road, starting to head to where they parked their car. Unfortunately, parking in the university can be almost impossible some days. The parking available is just so little that all the parks get taken on busy days. As a result, Y/N had to park 2 blocks away from the university. They mumble to themself as they stuff a spring roll into their mouth. "With all that money the uni gets why can't they use it to make some room or something so that people don't have to hike to their damn classes."

They continue to walk, constantly mumbling to themself about their complaints until they notice they were walking down the wrong main road to their car. "Fantastic I turned down one road too soon." They look around to see the easiest way to get to the other road. As they look they see an alley that cuts through the block, seemed to have a dumpster in the way but looked easy enough to squeeze past. Happy that they wouldn't have to go around the block they head over to the alley, shimmying their way past the dumpster and happily walking along. Well, they would be walking if they were not suddenly able to see someone halfway down the alley sitting down. 

Y/N could feel themself slightly sweat, it's not abnormal to see another person in an alley but the person was just sitting there and they were huge! Their head was shaped like a....bomb? The person seems to have heard them coming in and frantically turns to look at Y/N, eyes orange and bright, just like "...Whitty?" Y/N raises a brow but doesn't make a move to get closer to him. Whitty stared at Y/N, seemingly studying their face. He doesn't respond at first so Y/N decides to at least say something to try and make this less awkward. 

"Uh...soooo, how are you? Last I saw you was like, man a month ago now." God kill them this conversation was going nowhere and they had no idea what to say. "You were, uh, shot...wait." They become aware of the not favourite jacket that they were wearing and are suddenly filled with confidence. "You ran off with my jacket. The heck dude I was trying to help you and you take my stuff??? Please tell me you didn't throw it away, that was a good jacket."

Whitty seems taken off guard as if that was not what he was expecting them to say. "I...uh." He starts standing up and as he does so he kinda just, keeps going. Holy shit he was huge, this man had no business being this big yet here he was in this world towering over Y/N like it was his damn job. Y/N felt fear grip at their chest, the confidence from before waning, it was hard to be brave when the person in front of them looked like he could quite literally throw them several blocks away. Maybe more if they were being honest with themself. They start deciding that maybe being on the offensive with this guy was not a good idea.

However, by the look of Whitty's face, he wasn't trying to scare them. Instead, he reaches in his jacket. "I...kinda still have it..." He pulls out the jacket which was well, still covered in what Y/N hopes is blood. Y/N blinks a few times as the jacket is held out to them. Cautiously they step closer to Whitty and take the jacket in their hands. After the exchange is made, Whitty takes a step or two away from Y/N.  

"You held on to this for a month? Just with you? Kinda thought you'd leave it at wherever you live or whatever..." They realise it doesn't really smell the best. "Oh, Jesus it hasn't been washed in a month..." Pulling out their bag Y/N puts the jacket inside but not before putting it in a plastic bag that they had. There was no way they were letting that thing touch their other stuff, hopefully, they can wash out the blood. To make room for the jacket they had to take out one of their bags of Chinese food. This immediately gets Whitty's attention as he eyes the bag completely interested in whatever is smelling so good inside the bag. 

Y/N notices this and immediately gets protective of their food. "Hey hey don't you be eying my food like that. This is my dinner y'know." They notice that while Whitty doesn't seem to be planning to try and just take it from them, he stills seems to be very much eyeing the food. Y/N lets out a sigh. "Anyway, how are you feeling? That bullet wound healed by now?" 

Whitty finally looks at them and sheepishly scratches the back of his head. "Yes...I'm better now." After a few seconds of silence he speaks again. "uh...thank you. For helping me." Y/N notices that even while thanking them Whitty is still looking at the bag. They finally cave. "Alright, alright. Guess I'll give you a reward or something for not stealing my jacket and going through the trouble of carrying it around all this time." They take out one of the packs from inside the bag and hold it out to Whitty. "Here, sit down and eat this if you're that hungry." If Y/N was being honest they were mostly doing this so that they can leave. This guy doesn't seem bad but was terrifying.

Whitty takes the box and before Y/N could even move to get him one of the plastic forks he takes the pack and eats the whole thing whole. Plastic and all. Like it was a thing to do.

Y/N is stunned, mouth slightly agape, hand currently in the bag, currently getting Whitty a fork to eat the food he just poofed out of existence

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Y/N is stunned, mouth slightly agape, hand currently in the bag, currently getting Whitty a fork to eat the food he just poofed out of existence. Many thoughts were going through their mind. How did he do that? Is he ok? He ate plastic what the fuck. That was kinda cool. Wordlessly Y/N pulls out another box and hands it to Whitty, once more watching him eat the pack and all with one bite. They give him another, resulting in the pack having the same fate as the last one. The entire time Y/n just stares at him in awe as Whitty does it every single time.

Eventually, the last pack in the bag is given to him, eliminating one of the 2 bags that they bought from the store, well there goes tomorrows lunch. Was it worth it? Absolutely.

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