Unwashable Stains

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As the two of you stand there Y/N couldn't help but be tempted to reach into their backpack and get out the other bag of Chinese just to watch Whitty eat it again but common sense kicks in, they needed to eat too. Clearing their throat Y/N puts away the empty plastic bag in their hand. "Well uh anyways, hope you liked the food or whatever." 

Whitty nods idly, fiddling with his hands. "I did...thank you for sharing."

Y/N could feel the conversation turning awkward again, they had to do something, but they barely knew him and only knows he exists because they found him leaning on a wall with a bullet wound. Maybe try and get to know this person? Truth be told they were very curious about this tall bomb headed individual, they really wanted to ask about just how he got shot that night. But it probably wasn't the best icebreaker. "So, Whitty, what brings you to this side of town? You live around here or something?" They started to wonder if he goes to the same university as themself. They hadn't seen him around campus, but to be fair the place was huge, even if Whitty was as big as he is they could've easily never seen him before.

Somewhat caught off guard that Y/N was continuing the conversation, Whitty thinks for an answer. "I guess I live here??? Mostly just passing through really..." This causes Y/N to raise a brow. What's that supposed to mean? 

"So your house or whatever is in another suburb then?" They tilt their head curiously, the more they talked with Whitty the more questions popped up in their head. Sure he is a bit scary but it seems that there's a whole story to cover here. An interesting story. Being a broke university student, sometimes the unknown is very much welcome. "How long have you lived in the city?"

Whitty shrugs eyeing the way out behind Y/N, it doesn't seem that he's all that invested in this conversation. "I don't have one of those also what is a suburb?" His question was genuine, looking at his face it showed that he was completely clueless. At Y/N's second question he looks to the side. "Pretty much my entire life, can't really remember ever not living here."

Y/N realises that Whitty was quite definitely homeless, now they just felt bad for being lowkey scared of him. Probably has enough problems to worry about. "I'm really sorry to hear that." When Whitty asks them what a suburb is they are taken by surprise. "Oh uh a suburb is a section of a city, different sections of cities go by different names. Helps with navigation in largely populated areas." Whitty blinks a few times but seems to understand.

Finally, they look at the time on their phone and decide it was time to get moving. They needed to get home after all. "Well good to see you survived, but I gotta start heading off home. Have a good one Whitty." With that Y/N makes their way past Whitty, waving to him as they do so and getting a small wave from him back, walking down the alley and out into the street. As they turn the corner they sneak a glance at the spot Whitty once was to find that just like that night he completely vanished like he was never there in the first place. "Wow, that guy would be so fucking good at hide and seek."


Finally, Y/N was home, placing their food down and starting to eat, I was a little cold due to the commute but that was fine. They thought about Whitty and how much of a coincidence it was that they found him right where they went to university. Well, flukes are flukes after all. It's not like they were going to run into him over and over again. That would be ridiculous, there are so many people in this city so constantly running into one specific individual again and again just wasn't possible. Right?

They let out a groan, stuffing some rice into their mouth before going upstairs to take a warm shower along with tossing that dirty jacket into the wash. On its own. It was definitely not getting thrown in with their other clothes that could get stained by that very concerningly black blood. Why the heck was it black? They thought it might've been the darkness but it straight up looks like black paint got poured on the jacket. 

It was obvious by now that Whitty definitely wasn't human or at least wasn't all human. Everything about him was interesting, to say the least. A large strong frame, exceedingly big and strong arms and a bomb for a head damn it. But that brings up the question, what is he? Why is he strutting around looking so damn intimidating? As much as Y/N was afraid of him, their questions stopped them from never wanting to run into him again. 

They step into the shower and just kinda sit in there for awhile, enjoying the warmth of the water running over them. After awhile they realise they indeed do have to pay for the water bill and should most definitely get out soon before this shower goes on for too long. They get dry and come to check on their jacket which now was finished in the washing machine.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me..." The jacket was stained, badly, patches of faded black painted the fabric and was very noticable. They sigh and place the jacket down on top of the washing machine, at least it didn't smell anymore but at this rate they would either have to settle with wearing a heavily stained jacket or take the L and toss out their best jacket. They try everything such as scrubbing it by hand with stain remover, soaking it in a sink full of washing powder diluted with water, looking online to see if there was anything that could just suddenly make the jacket better again. But to no avail. The black wasn't gonna wash out, it was there forever now.

Y/N groans loudly, placing the jacket into the dryer and heading to their room to stuff their face into the pillows of their bed. "Damn it, why did I use my best jacket?? Literally couldn't think of anything else?" They grumble as they think back to the night they met Whitty, they kinda just went on autopilot, only thing on their mind was keeping this stranger alive until the ambulance arrives. But in the end it seems that Whitty was able to get help on his own, or at least they think that is the case. 

They decide not to dwell on it. They got their jacket back and Whitty was off in the city doing whatever he does. That ends their lives crossing over. While they found Whitty interesting, scary and... a tad endearing, they simply have no excuse to go looking for him, unless they bumped into each other again but honestly what would be the odds of that. 

Might as well move on.

Y/N pulls out their phone to scroll their socials, eventually they see a news story pop up. Something about some government organisation called "The Greater Good", they didn't really know much about them to be honest, there isn't too many extensive information given out about them after all and Y/N never felt compelled to look into it. Just some suits that hunt monsters or something. This gets Y/N thinking, that night, the car slowly coming by looking for something and Whitty suddenly making a break for it- 

Suddenly Y/N gets a call snapping them from their thought process and looking at who it was. It was one of their friends so they obviously went to answer. 

"Oh hey! Huh? Dude I warned you like 3 weeks ago to not go out with that g-"

They had completely forgotten what they were thinking about before. Probably wasn't too important anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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