Annoyed at a party

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“I can’t believe we actually went to this” Henrietta sighed annoyed smoking watching everyone twerk, laugh, get drunk, and make out

“We promised Pete” Micheal shrugged while smoking next to her

They were dragged into going to Bebe’s 17th birthday rager; She invited practically everyone and rented out a huge empty space from an old WalMart parking lot to give it a Coachella aesthetic. 

Everyone was drinking wine coolers, eating food truck food, and dancing while wearing glow sticks around their body

“This is such valley girl wannabe bulshit” Henrietta sighed again looking around

“Tell me about it, If I see one more person Tik Tok themselves smoking grape flavored vape I’m gonna pour actual alcohol in their drinks; So them what drunk actually feels like” Micheal joked as he smoked some more

“Micheal!” Larry screamed at him

“Ugh” Micheal scoffed and tossed the cigarette on the floor and stepped on it as Larry walked close to him

“There you are, You promised to at least be my boyfriend for this party” Larry reminded him annoyed 

“I know” Micheal rolled his eyes

“And what have I told you about smoking” Larry reminded him

“I remember” Micheal rolled his eyes 

“Now come dance with me, People think I came here alone” Larry told him as he dragged him to the dance floor

Henrietta sighed and looked around and saw Pete and Bebe laughing on the couch together and it made her teeth grind irritated.

“H-H-Hey ba-ba-babe” Jimmy greeted her happily

“Oh hey, I didn’t know you were even invited her” Henrietta said as she tossed and step on her cigarette

“Be-Be-Bebe in-invited everyone I w-w-wasn't gonn g-go but I-I-I heard Y-Y-You were coming” Jimmy answered 

“Oh your speech is getting better” Henrietta smiled 

“Than-Thanks” Jimmy smiled 

“Wan-Wan-Wanna dance?” Jimmy asked with a light blush

Henrietta sighed and looked to see Pete and Bebe cuddling and kissing each other lovingly 

“Sure” Henrietta shrugged and grabbed his hand as they walked to dance floor

They started swaying to the music but Henrietta's eyes were just on Pete and Bebe, He glared at them both seeing how happy they were together.

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