The Walk

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  • Dedicated to wendelah1

There have been times when men who cannot see

Were filled with visions bold and bright as day

There have been times when those who could not hear

Felt cacophony clash against their ears

Times came—with fame—upon the men, once lame,

Who walked on reclaimed legs for miles and miles

And when the man whose tongue had lost its taste

Did burst with flavors: salty, bitter, sweet

Less often does the mind that doesn't know

(Though will and might and desperate yearning crave it)

Divine the thoughts and will and conscious thinking

Of one that sits but just a breath away

Her spoken words are heard and understood

Hot tears are seen and whisked away with ease

Her trembling hands and sighs don't go unnoticed

Nor shuffling feet 'cross creaking floors at midnight

And yet these are but tokens of the beast

That rumble in the core of troubled hearts

Faint shadows of the giants strong and mighty

That taunt the wilting woman at her window

Those words, and tears and restless feet by moonlight

Do not reveal the bulging, searing swell

Erupting from the depths of gurgling sorrow

To scorch the muscle, tissue, skin and bone

And forces her down the pathway of their home

He follows her outside and down the stairs

"And who are you?" he calls out to the figure

Approaching supercilious up his walk

A figure, male and stately—far too handsome—

Inflaming in him fear and anger, too

"The postman, ugh," she says in pure disgust

With that, she marches further on her way

And gathers round herself her favorite shawl

The blanket of their now interréd child

She turned to him, "You think he is my lover?"

She shakes her head and walks on without stopping.

"Don't go," he says, "I'll follow you, I will."

"Do not come with me, you are not needed here,

Please leave me in peace. If you cared for me

You'd let me go unbothered, undisturbed.

Instead you keep persisting in this madness.

Your callous heart could never comprehend

And your pursuit just makes me more upset."

He runs behind her, catching up to her

He touches her; she pulls away from him

"Your touch feels just like knives and cuts much deeper

I do not know you and, without a doubt,

You don't know me. So changed I am, you can

Not know the cruelty you give me with your touch."

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