Kim (Chresanto August)

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"Awww look at daddy's baby girl... That's daddy's baby.. Little sleepy head." Chresanto said, reaching into his sleeping babygirls crib, softly stroking her face, smiling. "Yesterday I changed your diaper.. Wiped you and powdered you. How did you get so big? I can't believe it.. Now you're 2!.. Baby you're so precious.. Daddy's so proud of you-" As Chresanto was talking, Kim got off the floor and tried to run out of the room.
"Sit down bitch! You move again, I'll beat the shit out you!" Kim sat back down on the floor, and closed her eyes, crying even louder. She wanted to get away from this crazy man. She didn't know why she ever had a relationship with him.. How could she not see how crazy he was.
When he went to jail she thought that she would finally be away from Chresanto.. The crazy man who kilt people just to get what he wanted. "Don't make me wake this baby! She don't need to see what I'm 'bouta do!" He yelled at Kim. She screamed out of fear, and cried harder. "Quit cryin' bitch! Why you always make me shout at you?!" Chresanto yelled, walking over to her. Kim tried to back up even more, but she couldn't. She was already cornered in the living room corner. "How could you!? Just leave me and love him out the blue!" Chresanto yelled, "him" was referring to the man that Kim had married while he was locked away. Kim pulled her knees up to her chest and cried more. "Aww what's the matter Kim? Am I too loud for you!" Chresanto yelled even louder. Kim screamed out of fear, causing Chresanto to let out a heartless chuckle. "Too bad bitch! You're gonna finally hear me out this time! So, first I'm like "aight' you wanna throw me out that's fine" but not for him to take my place! Are you out your mind!? This couch, this T.V, this whole house is mine!" Chresanto yelled, pulling Kim off the ground by her shirt, then throwing her back on the ground. "How could you let him sleep in OUR bed!?" Chresanto yelled, laughing while starting to cry from frustration. He flipped the coffee table over, causing glass to shatter everywhere. "Look Kim! Look at your husband now!" Chresanto yelled, violently laughing, pointing to Kim's husbands lifeless body laying on the living room floor by the couch, with a pool of blood surrounding him. Chresanto had killed him a while back. "No!" Kim screamed. "I said look at him!" Chresanto said, screaming in Kim's face. "He ain't so hot now is he?" Chresanto laughed. "Little punk!" He yelled, and spat on the lifeless man. "Why are you doing this?" Kim cried out. "Shut the fuck up!" "You're drunk.. Your never gonna get away with this." Kim managed to get out, from all her loud cries. "Do you think I give a fuck!" Chresanto yelled, looking toward the front door. "Come on, were going for a ride bitch, sit up front." Chresanto said, grabbing his keys and waiting for her to get up. "We can't just leave Hailey alone.. What if she wakes up?" Kim said, worried about her child. "We'll be right back.. Well I will.. You'll be in the trunk." Chresanto said laughing, and rushing her out the house.

"You really fucked me Kim! You really did a number on me!" Chresanto said, speeding down the road.. It was dead. Nobody was out. No houses, street lights, nothing. "I never knew me cheatin' on you would come back to haunt me." Chresanto said, gripping the steering wheel, crying out of frustration and heartache. "But we was kids then Kim! I was only 18! that was years ago Kim! I thought we wiped this slate clean! That's fucked up!" He screamed at her, looking at her then back at the road. "I love you" she said, trying to calm him down. "Oh, God, my brain is racing" Chresanto said, laughing out of Anxiety. "I love you!" She yelled again, out of fear that he was going to hurt her. "What are you doing? Change the station I hate this song! Does this look like a big joke?" Chresanto yelled, banging his fists on the steering wheel, his mind going around in circles. "No!" Kim yelled, scared. Knowing she couldn't calm him down. "There's a four year old boy lyin' dead with a slit throat (he killed the mans son too.) In your living room, hahaha...What, you think I'm kiddin' you?..... wait... You loved him, didn't you?" Chresanto said, stopping the car and staring her in her eyes, both of them crying. "No!" Kim yelled, knowing not to say the wrong thing. How could she be in love with a monster.. She loved her husband, but this monster killed him. "Bullshit you, bitch, don't fucking lie to me!" Chresanto screamed, then started driving again, because a truck was coming. He didn't want them to be nosey and see what's going on. "What the fuck's this guy's problem on the side of me?" He asked, referring to the huge truck that kept honking it's horn. "Fuck you asshole, yeah, bite me" Chresanto yelled out the window, flicking off the truck driver. "Kim..... KIM!" He yelled, jerking his head to her side, because she was ignoring him. She looked at him with bloodshot eyes. "Why don't you like me?" He asked, looking at her.. Crying even more. Kim cried harder because of his crazy phsycotic acts. "You think I'm ugly don't you!" He screamed, slamming on his breaks, looking at her. "No! It's not that!" She screamed. "No, you think I'm ugly!" He yelled again. "Baby..." She said, in a high pitched, frightened voice. "Get the fuck away from me, don't touch me! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I SWEAR TO GOD, I HATE YOU!... Oh my god i love you..... How the fuck could you do this to me?!?" He yelled, slamming his fists on the steering wheel, cussing and screaming at Kim. "I'm sorry." Kim pleaded. "How the fuck could you do this to me?!" He said, putting his head on the steering wheel.

"Come on get out." Chresanto said, getting out the car and walking over to her side, opening the door. "I can't I'm scared." She cried. "I said get out, bitch!" Chresanto yelled, grabbing her hair, pulling her out the car. "Let go of my hair, please don't do this, baby!" She screamed and cried. She begged with everything in her for Chresanto to let her go. "Please... I love you... look, we can just take hailey and leave." She said, giving a half smile, giving him other ideas other than ending her life. "Fuck you, you did this to us! You did it, it's your fault!" He yelled in her face. "Oh, my God, I'm crackin' up Get a grip Chresanto!" He yelled at himself. "Hey, remember the time we went to Brian's party? And you were like so drunk that you threw up all over Archie...That was funny, wasn't it?" Chresanto asked, laughing. "Yes..." Kim said lowly. "That was funny, wasn't it!" He repeated, louder. "Yes!" She screamed. "See it all makes sense, doesn't it? You and your husband have a fight One of you tries to grab a knife And during the struggle he accidentally gets his Adam's apple sliced." Chresanto said, making up a plan to tell the cops. "No!" Kim yelled. "And while this is goin' on His son just woke up and he just walks in, She panics... and he gets his throat cut." Chresanto said, smiling. He had this wonderful lie that would get him out of trouble. "Oh my god, no!" Kim yelled. She wouldn't do something like that, and kim knew that in the end of this lie, that he would say that she committed suicide. "So now they both dead, and you slash your own throat..So now it's double homicide and suicide with no note." Chres said, laughing.
He got back onto the topic about her cheating. "I should have known better... when you started to act weird... We could've... HEY! Where you going? Get back here!" Chresanto yelled, going after Kim. "You can't run from me, Kim. It's just us, nobody else! You're only making this harder on yourself." He yelled, still chasing her. "Haha! Got'cha!" He yelled, tackling her on the grassy field. Kim screamed, and yelled for help. "Ha! Go ahead, yell! Here, I'll scream with you! AH, SOMEBODY HELP!" Chres screamed, then stopped, laughing at how pathetic Kim was. "Don't you get it, bitch, no one can hear you! Now shut the fuck up and get what's coming to you!" He yelled, grabbing her by her neck, and pulling out a pocketknife. "You were supposed to love me!" He screamed, and started cutting Kim's throat, making her gag and choke. "NOW BLEED! BITCH, BLEED! BLEED! BITCH, BLEED! BLEED!"

"So long, bitch, you did me so wrong... I don't wanna go on.. Living in this world without you." Chresanto said, as he got into his car and drove back to the house.

Kim (Chresanto August)Where stories live. Discover now