A small Fanfic I wrote

22 0 0

May 03, 2k21

Monday| 12:21 pm

Author's Note:

Its Aquilla aka me, it has been 3 years since I left Wattpad due to college and moved majority of my art on Instagram.  I am still unsure if I'll be able to post my art once again like old times but due to the career that I'm taking it would be impossible.

As I was exploring through my files on my pc I found an old fan fic that I wrote back in 2k17, yeah, back when I was still in high school and was going through my Undertale phase. It was a Toriel x fem! reader, if I remember, I took a small glimpse and fixed a few minor errors here and there.

 I really wanted to show you all and would love to receive some feedback from you guys!


I sighed as I finally reached my apartment from my job, the Old folks' home was indeed a difficult and exhausting job. I've spent my time cleaning, preparing the bedsheets and aiding the elders with care but the feeling of tiredness brought a smile on my lips, I felt proud of myself that I had finally found a decent job and with a good payment.

Exhaustedly, I throw my whole weight on my soft couch and lazily took off my black sneakers pushing them away with the help of my feet and closed my eyes for a bit. Another tired sigh left my lips, slowly, I opened my eyes and moved my head to the left and there stood my purse keeping me company. I grabbed my purse and fished for my phone to look for the time. It was 5:30 pm. Giving myself one good stretch causing my bones to pop before closing my eyes once again.

As time passed, I weakly opened my sore eyes from my deep slumber, the first thing that I saw was the rich color yellow. I carefully move myself in a comfortable position until I felt how the soft delicate petals brush against my hands. I gasp, where am I?

I sat up straight and noticed that I was laying on a flowerbed of golden flowers and I was wearing my pink pajamas and orange socks instead of my nursing uniform, how did I reach here? What happened!?

The last thing I remembered was that I was in my couch sound asleep.

...Did I sleepwalk my way to here? No, it can't be possible! I may have somnambulant issues but this went too far.

Suddenly a low sobbing noise was heard at the other side of the room, it sounded desperate and feminine, and despite of waking up in a strange place I decided to follow the noise and look if there is another living source stuck in this place with me.

As I weakly entered the room, I found myself an empty patch of grass laying in the middle of the dark area, strangely it felt like if something was missing but I cannot tell. The sobbing noise was getting louder; I proceeded my risky journey leaving the mysterious gloomy room behind and entering another room, it was different compared the other room, the new area was beautifully surrounded with magenta tiles, the walls was nicely decorated with twisted green vines while the floor was neatly adorned with dry red leaves.

The sight was so breathless that I immediately forgotten about the mysterious weeping person and didn't even noticed on how long I stood there, suddenly I heard footsteps coming ahead of the room, I stood there frozen in my place unsure if running was a good idea.

And there it was, a beastly female figure appeared in the room, small horns adorned at the top of her head and had droopy long ears that almost resemble to a cow. She worn purple robes with a strange symbol on her chest. Her appearance was so breathless I couldn't help but admire her beauty.

She wiped away the leftover tears before looking down and notice me staring, which made her eyes widen at my presence.

"Oh dear," She gasped, "I did not expect a young human to be in this room... Greetings, do not be afraid, I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins. It has been years since the last human had fallen here." She gently smiled at me.

My Drawings | 2k16-2k21|Where stories live. Discover now