Chapter 2

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Name: Leucos Asteria

Occupation: President Ocaleuh's Son

Age: 22

Status: Single

Gender: Cis Male

Behaviour Marks: ){}[}?#0^^0$3xUaL a©t¡\/¡t√[}}?()??????

Sexuality/Romantic Orientation: /=-/Straight/-=/ ][{{#0/\/\0$3xUaL{[[}[}|[][]]?????


My eyes gaze across the horizon towards the lost island. I sigh as I admire the sight. I wish I was would be easier...

My thoughts are cut short when my door creaks, I look behind me and meet my mother's gaze. She smiles at me softly, walking to meet me on the balcony, resting her hand on my back. I smile softly.

"You know, you're better off here." She looks up at me as I slouch over the railing, looking down towards the courtyard. The townspeople bustle around, the only difference between these people, is the slight differences in skin tone, and their day-to-day body suits having a slightly different pattern of behavior badges.

"I know, mother." I wrap my arms tightly around myself, frowning at the crowd. "I belong here." I shake my head, cringing.

"Exactly, son."

I want to go away, is what I want to say, but I manage to hold the words back, and instead of speaking, I nod.

She nods at me and leaves me out on the balcony, along with my thoughts.

I know I'm highly privileged and that I'm much better off on the mainland than with the Effeants, but I can't help but feel the desire to be with people of my own kind. I just don't want to hide. I want to be me.

I don't want to have to sneak around with Avidya. It's exhausting. I shake my mind from that thought, departing from the balcony and making my way to my desk. I kneel to the floor, searching for the familiar opening in the metal. My fingers graze over the bump in the metal floor, and I peel it up, being sure to not cut my fingers. I slide out my sketchbook and place it beside me as I dig a bit more for my pencil. I grab a hold of it, closing the flap down and lifting myself off the floor, taking my book and pencil with me.

I throw it down on my bed and head over to my windows, closing all curtains and doors. I plop down on my bed and open my book to the last page, pulling out my pencil, beginning to sketch just as I'm rudely interrupted by my door sliding open. I shove my book under my pillow, and run over to my desk, attempting to look busy.

"Leo?" I smile when I hear the familiar voice, the door screatches behind him as I turn around to face him.

"Hey, Adevya." We walk towards each other, meeting at the end of my bed, hugging tightly. I lay my head on his shoulder, taking in the feeling of my lover holding me. "You scared me there.."

"I didn't mean to my love, it won't happen again.." He smiles lightly and places a hand on my cheek lovingly looking me in the eyes. I rest my hands on his waist, holding him close, not wanting to let go. We rarely get silent moments alone, we're always hiding in fear, running away, and sneaking any affection we can. Without getting caught. These moments are special.

"I wouldn't mind it every once and a while, as long as you're the only one on that side of the door." He smiles down at me, leaning in to touch our noses together. I giggle and smile at him, feeling a sense of safety in his touch. I never want this to end, but I know it will. it always does. I fear this time may be the last as I have feared all the times we spend alone. It could always be last. without warning we may be ripped from each other's arms, to never see the other again. I couldn't stand that.

Adevya notices my growing frown and holds my face in his hands, forcing me to look him in the eyes. "What's wrong?" His eyebrows furrow in concern.

I give a reassuring smile, breaking from his touch and sitting down on the edge of my bed. "Nothing." He doesn't look convinced but doesn't bother pushing, knowing I won't say a word anyhow. He sits next to me, his arm snaking around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Has your father found out yet?" He whispers softly as he rests his chin on my head.

"Fortunately for us, no. Neither has my mother. We're safe, my dear." I smile up at him, leaving a light kiss on his cheek. "We'll be fine." He nods, giving a nervous smile. I rub his back soothingly. "I promise."

"I hope you can keep that."

"I can."


My body shakes as i begin to clumsily sob, letting myself wallow in the pain. Taking it in. Indulging in it. Letting myself go in every way a person can. He's gone so there's no use for composure. Any reason to stay together has been ripped from me entirely.

Adeyva Engris is dead. And it's my fault.The mere fact repeats itself in my head, spiraling continually and following me as I fall from grace. That fall feels ever so long and tortuous, as if my own heart is ripped out over and over. And I'm so sure it is.I can't stand it here any longer, no matter what others say, I don't belong. I don't care how it is over there, I can't withstand another moment here, withering away without my beloved. I couldn't.Surely it's selfish, how couldn't it be. Most of those who are taken, fight it. They fight it in fear of no longer being safe. When they reside in the main colony, they're promised safety in return for obedience. I could care less for safety, I only want to feel as though I belong. How selfish is that?
I know what I need to do, now. Maybe he's not really dead, maybe they only took him? Maybe he's on the Effeant Isle, awaiting my inevitable return. I could see him again. I could see my dear Adeyva in safety.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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