Day 1 (Pregnancy/Parenthood/ In-laws)

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I would have screamed for joy when my eyes met the pregnancy test tube- would've made maybe the slightest remark of happiness, if I wasn't so scared- scared for the future the growing child in my womb could have; if not raised right. Worst case scenario anyone of my nemesis found the child.

I gathered myself and my thoughts together, walked out of the bathroom, taking  deep breaths as I went towards Damian who had been sitting on our couch with his hands clasped in a prayer like position. He'd gone with me to a nearby pharmacy earlier to buy the test tube. Damian had been questioning whether I was pregnant or not since we'd been together a few nights ago and we didn't exactly remember to use protection. Slight mistake on both our ends, I admit. Not that it mattered. We'd both agreed from the start of our marriage we'd be okay to have children at any given time, as long as it was safe for us and the child. At this specific point in time we were anything but sure it would be safe.

I walked in on Damian, easily figuring out he'd been pacing around while I was gone. Even though his face had a stern look I could tell it was just him trying to hide his worry. Either ways he wasn't hiding much from me. Least of all his emotions. I am an empath after all. The moment Damian's eyes caught mine he pounced into a stand, lifting his eyebrows, then marching over to where I stood, "So... Is it positive or negative?" I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud. I handed him the tube waiting for his response. Damian's green eyes darkened, his lips tugged into a frown, eyebrows knitting together as he finally said, "A few of Brother Blood's remaining followers have been spotted a number of times performing rituals around Gotham Raven," "I know Damian," Even though Blood's cult had been destroyed to the ground along with the large majority of his followers, a small percentage who hadn't been on the island at the time Tara Markov brought the building to mere rubble were still alive.

Damian looked intently into my eyes. His weighing gaze reading every twitch of my face. I heaved a sigh, my voice coming out more shaky than expected, "What you're trying to say is that it's not safe to have a child right now." 

"Yes but we can still protect them," Damian responded, taking my hand in his and leading me to the kitchen. He started for the counter and took a kettle to boil water no doubt for herbal tea (my favourite), then came back to perch himself on a seat to my right hand side. "We obviously need to make sure our child will be safe Damian, maybe investigate what reason Blood's minions have chosen to be in Gotham," I said back to him; still trying to feel a little bit stronger, so at least I wouldn't tremble at the idea that they could be trying to get to me- or worse. I didn't want to think about what the worst case scenario could be.

Damian broke the silence that had been formed, "If we want to find out what they're doing we need a plan to get close to them. Find them. Get them to spill information at any means." I sighed as I observed Damian walk over to the kettle, fetch tea bags and pour the steaming water into two matching mugs with a robin and a raven facing each other for a kiss. He handed over the mug with the raven to me and took the one with the robin for himself, (a cute touch we'd added to our only white mugs; now we rarely use any of our other mugs).

"Damian...", my voice coming out barely above a whisper as I tightly held his calloused hands, " we will figure this out. I promise...I need you to trust me on this." His answering smile was enough for me.


For once Gotham seemed quiet at night, the only sounds heard being the occasional steps of civilians walking on the sidewalks and the noise Damian's boots made when he leaped from roof to roof. The ex Assassin dawned a green and yellow armoured suit, with gold, spiraling designs to the edges. Raven wore a white cloak, and tunic, as well as tights, an amethyst brooch to the middle for her chest, hooking her cloak together, which matched the glowing orbs that were her eyes. She halted to a stop when Damian stopped.

 "My sensor is picking up magical activity nearby. Not yours, but of another's. Rae, care to assess?" 

Raven sat in a lotus position, levitated a few inches above the ground, her eyes fluttering shut before they opened again to reveal glowing violet which had fully encased her eyes. A raven in a spirit form emerged from the cambion's body- her soul self. 

"It would be my pleasure Dami," Raven replied, feeling the innermost parts of herself wander. Her soul was on the loose. It roamed through alleyways searching, looking, till it found a group of Satanists in crimson cloaks which had their faces fully covered by the hoods. Damian noticed Raven's lips tug into a frown and he asked, "See anything?" 

"Yes. Cultists. They're saying something. Something about a prophecy," Damian gulped at that, then added "Do you know what prophecy Raven?" 

He watched Raven's eye brows knit together as she said, "a spawn. The spawn of a demon spawn shall be used," no doubt the one growing in her womb. It was no surprise. Blood's cult was directly involved with Trigon. 

Damian thought that was all Raven had picked up until she breathed out again, "They plan on luring the child to them, raising him or her to revive Trigon and conquer Earth upon his resurrection." Quite settled between the couple for a while.

"I suggest we stop that Raven." Raven's face was still plastered with worry even as she said, "right back at you."

 The half demon drew her soul self back in as she stood up and opened her eyes. Damian stared into Raven's eyes, allowing Emerald to meet Amethyst as he said to her, "It will be okay Raven. We shall make sure of that. No one can harm our child as long as we live." For whatever reason that reassured Raven. She cocked her head to the side, a smile pulling at the corner of her lips, as she asked, 

"portal my love?"

 "Yes beloved". 


I'd love to hear you guys's thoughts on this! 😆 Please comment and vote, it'll mean a lot :) 

Also if you would like an epilogue to this let me know :>> (We all know i'd do it even if no one asks for it ✋🏽🙄) 

 Btw if you couldn't tell I really like the idea of Raven & Damian reassuring each other when it comes to their child's future and safety ☺️

DamiRae Week 2021 (by  @RavenRxxth)Where stories live. Discover now