Day 1 (Epilogue)

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(Warning: Explicit language)

Nine months passed. Nine months with no activity from any remaining followers of Blood. It was a good sign as it stayed that way even till the birth of Damian and Raven's son; Agerico. (Meaning 'Powerful Sword' in Latin, chosen by Damian of course, Raven too tired from labour just went along with it).

Damian and Raven sat next to each other with Titus perched over their laps. The seemingly unkillable Great Dane Raven had once gifted to Damian was now big enough to lay over both their bodies.
In the cambion's hands just above the dog held the two month old beautiful baby boy wrapped in a purple blanket. The child had straight jet black hair like his parents, a resting i-don't-give-a-f*ck face just like his parents, Heterochromia eyes- a mix of his mother and father's eye colours. Amethyst and emerald.

Raven ignored the bickering of her in-laws on who got to hold the child first. She instead leaned to Damian's ear, parted her lips slightly, looking up at him, as she breathed out, "You were right". Damian's face became plastered with bewilderment, truly unaware of what she was referring to. Lifting his eyebrows Damian voiced, "Of course I was right. I'm always right, I just don't know what I'm right about here," Raven giggled at that, looking down to Agerico with a smile then back to Damian, before speaking up, "I remember you saying it will be okay and that our child will be safe as long as we were alive. Well at least now I know you keep your promises Dame." The Son of The Demon's heart skipped a beat at that and he smiled as he held her free hand and planted a soft kiss to her forehead. The small act alone flustered her and brought a red tint to Raven's otherwise grey, pale cheeks.

"I hate to break this oh so sweet family moment but I'd like to offer a cigarette to my nephew if you two f*ckers would stop giving each other googly eyes," Jason's voice tore in.

The couple, Damian frustrated and Raven in disgust turned to look at Agerico's uncle. "No cigarettes Jason or I will end you," Damian responded obviously irritated. Jason stared at his youngest brother smirking at his loose threat.

"All talk and no action little D," Dick said with a chuckle from behind them and started over to Jason to shove him aside; in the process making Raven and Damian think it was to give them as much privacy as the Wayne household could offer. The two soon found out the acrobat did this only to get closer to little Agerico, as he began cooing at the child and squeezing his cheeks until they were like tomatoes in colour. In the end Damian had to prevent any person that tried to get close to Agerico by forcing both his brothers out of the room and not allowing anyone in, as Agerico had fallen asleep along with Raven and Titus.

Damian smiled at this, feeling like he had been given the world- in a him at least... the universe itself was gifted to him from the moment he met Raven. All the moments they shared- their love, loyalty and understanding of each other, to the result of their love bringing forth Agerico as an addition to his world and universe.

The little things like this: Having the woman he loved most, their child and dog sleep peacefully together, made Damian's otherwise dull heart light up with joy.



(The last line is a reference to Bubble Gum B*tch. I thought it'd be a nice addition lol 😂)

Hi!! I know it's been around 2 months but here's my excuse: Irl school & exams got me caught up so I barely had enough free time. I'm now on summer vaca so I'll try to write as much as I can before I travel.

Tbh I'm just gonna use this as a way to practice my writing skills in the hopes of getting better ^^

Feel free to leave any piece of constructive criticism you have for me. I'll really appreciate it ☺️

Another favour: if you could vote & comment it'll mean a lot :>

Thanks luvs 💖

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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