Chapter 14

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"Hay guys "Isabella  yells at us. "Save the rest of it for later this party is just getting  started."

"Hahaha I'm just  joking." She laughs.

                   Isabella  POV

I wonder where Niall is. He hasn't talked  to  me that much since what we did  last night . I turn Around and He's talking To Liam. I'm glad that's who he's talking to him not some bitch  that I'll have to pitch  slap.

                   Alexis  POV

Liam  keeps grabbing  my ass and kissing me. I want to smack him but I couldn't ever  do that to him not even playing. Every time I look in His eyes it makes me fall in love over and over again. "What the fuck " some  guy spills a wine cooler all over me I want to slap him in the face Untill I realize  it's Zayn. "Well well well look who it is misses........misses Liam lover."

"Hahaha that's the best u got." I love they way he has no come backs. Hah he is so weird  yet he's popular. I laugh. And Liam walks up behind  me and says. "Is someone  ready for the bedroom. I am " I smile and say. "You know it hah let's go."

                Harry  POV 

I smile at Liam and Alexis  as they go  to one of the master bedrooms. Now I need to figure out how to get Ashley up there. Ashley  smiles at me and ask if I want to play 20 questions. I no its my chance.

              Ashley  POV

I ask Harry if he wants to play 20 questions. He says yes. Yay.

" ok I'll go first #1, How are you in bed?" I'm inbarresed  when he doesn't answer. He finally  replies. " it depends. " Ha . It's Harry's turn.

"My turn. Ashley are you a virgin?" I say hoping  the answer is yes. I want to be her first. "Yes Harry but not for long. Hahaha I'm just kidding  you should have saw your  face oh my  gosh. But  yes Harry I'm a virgin ." I'm glad she can joke about it most would be inbarresed. Her turn.

" Have you ev-" Harry cuts me off by pressing  his soft plump lips on mine.  I smile under his lips. And join him in the kiss. He smiles also and whispers something  in my ear. " Do u wanna go to the bedroom Ashley  " I can't help but grin like an idiot. He says something  before  I  can answer. "I'll take that as a yes. "

Harry leads  me to. A room and goes over to the drawer and grabs a hand full of Silver packets  and shoves them in my purse. " We'll need  them they have tons in every room." He smirks. Harry climbs on the bed. I'm confused. Harry looks at me he must have seen  my confusion  cause he laughs and says "Wow wait you thought we came up here to fuck each other  I mean make love." He corrects his self . "No............. ok......... maybe." ***************************************
                  Niall POV

"Izzy babe. We need to get a room. You keep looking  at me like that we won't make it there. She laughs and walks towards the stairs.."come on I can't do this by myself." Ha I love her so much. But I haven't really talked to her since what we did the other night. We got engaged. But haven't  really talked that much since  then. I follow her to the bedroom  and grab a condom out of my pants pocket. She laughs at me but it's just something  I've learnt to do when I'm with her. Cause you'll  never know when she wants to take a round or two...

Izzy pulls herself  onto my lap when we here a big thud in the room beside ours. She gets up and fixes her dress. I get up and throw on some shorts.

When we get into the hallway Harry and Ashley come out of their room then Liam and Alexis.

I open the door and there's a girl on the floor and Zayn  is on the bed.

The girl says " Hay guys I'm Lindi and I like wine and vodka  ooo did I mention  I like wine I also like zayn."

"She's drunk off her ass" Zayn says laughing. She smiles and says "no technically I'm drunk on my ass. Now help me up  some body!!"

Ashley and Harry walk  up to her and help her up. "How did you get on the floor lindi not to be nosey " Ashley asked. " Oh that is a long story  well Zayn went to- " "Noo we don't want details. " everyone yells. " right any way he kisses me and I roll over to get on top and I rolled right off the bed hahahahahahahahahahah .....guys " She talks in between  laughs. She must be really drunk  cause especially keeps repeating  herself  over and over again.

"Lindi hun let's  go get  you some water." Zayn  says .
                     ASHLEY  POV 

Zayn  can't get his eyes off me. Harry must have noticed  cause he told him to keep  his eyes on his girl. I just smile at Harry  telling him to calm the fuck  down.  I smile  at Harry a knowing  smile to tell him to calm down.

(I'm so disappointed  my book is terrible  if u like it please please I'm begging  for  you guys to please tell your friends about this book please if you a true reader of mine you'll tell everyone  you can about  my  book. PLEEEEASE . If I don't get more reads I'll take it down!..." ):  I fell like I'm wasting  my time sitting  here writing  this EVERY  DAY .  and people don't   have the  decency to vote or comment. I'll give you guys I while  cause I in know my book is just getting discovered.  Soo thanks I'm trying to get to the better part but I don't want to rush it then my book would be really short . Ugggggghhhhh. I can't  wait  till the good part. I planned  this big rant but I love you guys to much to do dat so ya I'll let  you read on. Byeeeeee.)


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