New student

305 12 6

POV: Denki

I woke up to the regular sound of my alarm clock going off '05:00' I read. 'Great, another day of pretending' I thought while standing up from my bed, but regretting it not even 2 seconds later as a felt a sharp pain going down my back. With a quiet whimper I made my way to the bathroom, after brushing my teeth I finally dared to look up in the mirror, 'wow, this is going to be fun' I thought while washing my face and applying my make-up right after my face was dried off on my dark bruises. It took me about 15 minutes to do the make-up, brush my hair and put on my school uniform. After I cleaned and fixed myself up, I quietly hurried downstaires just to see my father laying on the couch, sleeping with alcohol bottles all around him. As I heard him groan I quickly grabbed by school bag, put on my shoes and ran out of the house until I was at the busstop waiting for the bus to arrive. Since I still was 30 minutes early I grabbed my phone and plugged in my headphones and just listened to music .
                      Time skip
As I was finally at UA, I walked through the halls with my huge fake smile on, trying not to get people suspicious. As I arrived in my classroom and took a seat, the classroom slowly began filling with my classmates walking in. Not that much later after everyone sat down due to Iida's yelling, Aizawa-Sensei entered the classroom "Hello class, today we will get a new student, a transfer one to be exact, Shinsou Hitoshi, come in and introduce youself to your new class, everyone be nice to him." After he said that, an indigo haired boy entered the classroom which looked like he didn't sleep in a few days, the eyebags made him look pretty attractive tho. "My name is Shinsou Hitoshi, I'm 16 years old and I'm not here to make friends" he coldly said, 'he will be lonely if he doesn't make any friends' I thought 'I should ask him if he wants to be my friend then' after he indroduced himself, Aizawa-Sensei pointed to the empty seat right next to me and said "you can sit next to the boy with yellow hair with a black lightening bolt in it" not long after that he walked over to me, and sat down on his seat. After a little while we finished our first and second period, that meant it was lunchbreak, I didn't want to eat anything since im already fat enough so I just skipped the part of going to the cafeteria in our lunchbreak and went to the dorms instead, on my way there I met Shinsou looking around confused so I just walked up to him."Hey Shinsou, your looking kinda confused, do you need help?" I asked with a big smile. "Mhm, could you tell me where my dorm is?" he asked "oh yeah, haha, Aizawa-Sensei told me there was going to be a new student which is having the dorm next to mine, so that means it should be yours. I should also show the new student, which is you, the way to their dorm so, just come with me I will bring you there" "K" he just answered sounding a little bit annoyed

'am i really that bad?'         

'You are useless'
'a faggot'
'a good for nothing'
'just die'

'No please, please shut up, not now please'

"...nki" "..ou oka..."  "..ello.." "Denki ?"

It was Shinsou's voice "huh, what is it Shinsou ?" I asked "Are you okay? You spaced out and didn't respond for a few minutes." He said, a little worry in his voice, wait no, why would anyone worry for me? "Hahaha, sorry, what were you asking?" I fake smiled and asked "where is my dorm?" He asked "Oh yeah, um its right here" I said while pointing to the door next to mine "Oh okay, thanks I guess" he said "do you need anything else?" I asked "no, I have to tell you something tho, Da- Aizawa-Sensei gave us the rest of the day free since  they needed him and some of our other teachers because of some villians" he said "okay, if you need anything just come to my dorm. Oh and thanks for letting me know" "No problem, see ya" Shinsou said "byeee" I answered and with that he walked into his room and i went into mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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