Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY, Rooster Teeth does.
3rd Person POV:
Vale, one of the, if not the biggest, kingdom of Remnant. Stretching from the dessert of Vacou to the island of Vytal the massive kingdom is led by the indomitable Arc Family. But this was not always the case. Vale used to be led by non other than the Belladonna clan of Menagerie, before the terrible civil war that tore apart the kingdom.
The old Belladonna regime used to practice slavery long long ago, with humans. Over 1,000 years there was a delicate balance of humans who were slaves and those who were above them. In order to keep the balance young king Nero Belladonna took a young girl from one of his vassal families, a maiden by the name of Elizabeth Arc.
Over the years Nero slowly lost his mind to Paranoia and fear, thinking every shadow a assassin and every servant a traitor seeking his crown.
Nero's paranoia finally cultivated into one of the worst massacres in the history of Remnant, over 100,000 people would be killed by the Belladonna army led by loyal vassals Khan and Taraus.
Seeking answers and to make sure his daughter was safe old Anthony Arc and heir Michael Arc set off from the Arc Stronghold of Arcadia to the capital, there they found the king doing his most depraved thing yet.
They entered the throne room to find Elizabeth being raped by Taraus men in front of the king, with said king declaring her a traitor. Before they could do anything both father and son would be imprisoned by the mad king. Before the throne rooms crowd all three Arc's would be burned at the stake before a terrified crowd.
Declaring the Arc's traitor to the crown, the king marshalled a army 60,000 to capture Vytal. What the king forgot was that the Arc's were a military family. Vytal was a fortress, guarded by over 40,000 men with the largest navy other than the royal navy.
Aaron Arc, now the new lord of Vytal declared the Belladonna's unfit for rule and called on the house's of Vale to support him in his rebellion against the king. Fearing the king's wraith and seeing as the monarch had the bigger army most families joined up with the king, only 4 families declared loyalty to Arc.
The Xiao Longs of the tiny island of patch, they couldn't field many soldiers but patch was known for it being the royal navies stronghold and its strongest recruiting center, so patch siding with the Arcs cost the royal navy a stronghold, recruits, and worst of all manpower with many defecting to patch and arc fleets.
The Winchesters of Cardinal were a surprise to many when they declared for Arc seeing as many a Winchester and Arc been seen at bitter enemies, but most didn't know current lord Markus Winchester was best friends with Anthony Arc. The Winchester Military was best known for its heavy infantry and Calvary. Its known that the Winchester calvary have never failed a charge. 20,000 winchester infantry and 20,000 mounted calvary fought for the Arc's.
The Falls of Flaming Arrow were the third to declare for the Arc family, home to the richest family in Vale, many were dumbfounded when the Falls declared for the Arc's seeing as many thought the Arc rebellion was stupid and the king would win easily. But Aaron Arc promised his son Lucius Arc to the young Leah Fall gaining the loyalty of the Falls, never ending gold to fund the war and 15,000 men for the war effort.
The fourth and final family didn't come at a surprise at all to many.
The Rose's of the Valley of Rose's were the 2nd richest family in Vale and was home to the most populated and fertile land in Vale. The Rose's have been firm allies of the Arcs dating back generations with the Arcs giving them ships to trade and meat to eat in return for furs and grain. Not to mention the fact that Anthony Arc was married to Lady Rose. When the valley was awake to March for Arc's in one week alone 60,000 men was marshalled and sent to siege and make war on the lower half of vale and another 40,000 marched on the Capitol taking the Khan's seat of Tiger nest.
The Arc navy beat back the royal fleet and make landfall on the northern side of Vale with the Rose Army already attacking the south side. Taking 10,000 Men and 5,000 horses Edward Arc broke the east gate of Vale leading to his men sacking the city.
Nero seeing the war as lost took only the most loyal of his subjects and left with the tattered royal fleet to found a new nation in hopes of one day reclaiming vale. He and his followers landed on Menagerie settling it and beginning to rebuild.
With the war over Aaron Arc asked those to fought with him to elect a new king and royal family. Votes were cast with each family head voting for himself until lady Rose, rose from her seat and voted Aaron Arc as her king.
Arc won the war he might as well wear the crown was her reasoning.
Over the next year Aaron settled into his new position and enacted new wills into his new nation.
Arcs were known as warriors and cause of that Aaron created the Royal Army, every family was required to send half there combat troops to serve 4 years in the Army wherein there refreshed with the other half.
Aaron also consolidated power by marring Madea Xiao Long to gain there timber to rebuild the fleet and make new shields. He gave pardons to the families that fought for Nero. He refilled the treasury and ended slavery.
The Arc Dynasty was just beginning and would continue for another 1,000 years.
Royal Army Numbers:
Rose gave 40,000 men to the Army, 20,000 Calvary, 20,000 sailors.
Xiao Long gave 2,000 men to the Army, 500 Calvary, 15,000 sailors for the royal fleet, and 50 war galleys.
Winchester gave 20,000 infanty, 10,000 calvary, 10,000 sailors, 2 war galleys and 30 barges.
Fall gave 10,000 infantry, 2,000 calvary, 4,000 sailors, 10 war galleys and 10 barges.
Arc gave 30,000 infantry, 11,000 calvary, 20,000 sailors, 150 war galleys.
Rise of King Arc
FanficJaune Arc, Crown Prince to the Kingdom of Vale. Heir to the warrior bloodline of Arc. He must play the game of politics else he will end up dead and his throne stolen from him. No Aura and set in Medieval Times.