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\Sora POV/

We woke up and there was a rainstorm, i shook Jax awake he woke and noticed it raining. One thing I hoped was that there was no thunder or lightning I hated it, it scares me but I didn't wanna tell Jax so I kept it to my self.

(After recording still Sora POV)

We ended the video and I heard something loud, I got up and looked out the window and there was lightning, then I thundered I jumped.

/Jax POV\

I saw that Sora was looking out the window then it thundered and I saw that a he jumped a bit "Sora are you ok? I saw you jump as if you were scared..." I waited "N-no I'm not scared why would I?" I was worried "Come on Blueberry whats wrong?" I said slowly and kinda quietly while it also sounding worried. He sighed "I-im scared of thunder and lightning" he said sadly I smiled "Thundermis loud and lightning makes me think that ill be struck by it..." I smiled a bit more, he looked worried I walked over to him and held his head and kissed his forehead and looked out the window, I felt his head on my shoulder.

(Alex said that they were going to take a litle walk in the rain)

\Sora POV/

Alex said we were going to take a little walk, I grabbed one of Jax's Hoodia and put it on. He came out of the bathroom looking at me I smiled and grabbed one of mine and walked over to him and handed it to him and he put it on. I put on some boots and he did to and walked out of to meet the rest we all grabbed umbrellas and walked outside. I stayed close to Jax and then......there's was thunder I jumped and he held my hand and whispered in my ear "Do you wanna go back? If not ill try to keep you close.." I thought about it a little "I wanna stay out here...." he looked a little worried but kept walking while still, holding my hand we stopped at a hill, Zach, Drake and Levi set up a little canopy and we all sat under it, Alex, Jade, Charli and Luca set up sleeping bags, blankets and some pillows (I know this sounds weird and kinda stupid) Jax sat down and I sat next to him and I rest my head on his shoulder I felt his arm around me and smiled the rest sat down to and then Charli, Levi, Luca and Light stood up "We have something to say.." Levi said "Im dating Charli..." and then Light spoke "And I'm dating Luca" Ok so thats why both Charli and Light said that they weren't dating "Ok...." Alex said and they sat down

(Time skip to when they get home still Sora POV)

We got home and me and Jax were in our room when I coughed and coughed again...I kept coughing non-stop till I tried to stop myself, my head hurt and I felt sick "Whats wrong baby?"Jax asked "I feel kinda sick..." he left and came back with a thermometer and he checked my tempatrue "Whoa!" He said kinda loud I was confused "ALEX ZACH ALL OF YOU PLEASE COME HERE!" Everyone came to our room confused, Jax showed the thermometer they all looked very surprised "WHAT IT GOING ON?!" I then coughed Jax showed me the thermometer I was 103 "It was probably the rain I'm so sorry Sora that was very stupid of me" Alex said I felt bad "No Alex its not your fault I should've just went home when Jax asked me to instead of staying" and then there was thunder I tried not to jump but i did "Get out please" Jax said, everyone left and Jax sat next to me and Charli was the last one out "Charli wait" Jax said "can you have Alex make some soup if she wasn't about to" she nodded and left about 5 minutes later the soup came I ate some and then stopped. I asked Jax something "Can you see if Alex has some red and blue lolipops?" Confused Jax left and came back with them he gave them to me but j gave him the red one back " Just keep lickind and sucking on it till your toung is really red" (that sound weird...) he nodded and when our mouth were the color of the lollipops I pulled Jax close by then he pulled me close to him and said "Wanna make purple~" I nodded and he kissed me. We stop to take a breathe and I noticed Jaxs tounge wasn't purple i guess he noticed the same for me because he started kissing me again. He broke the kiss after about 5 minutes and his tongue was purple I was satisfied and then I had a more soup till it was gone and he checked my tempatrue and oddly it went down a lot then he said "Wanna play a little game~?" I blushed a bit "W-a-what kinda?" And then he got up and locked the door and took his shirt off and did the same for me and then he pushed me down and bit my neck I let out a soft moan then he started kissing me and bit my lip and then he took his shorts off and pulled mine off and laid on my kissing  me and then bit my neck again and got up and pinned me to the wall. He kept biting and kissing me for a while until he went down and looked at my- (im not gonna write that hopefully you know) and sucked I let out a moan and then he stopped and turned me around (you know no imma not write the rest of whats happening hopefully you understand what is going on)

After that😳 still Sora POV

Jax stopped and we got back in our clothes and then all of a sudden he pinned me again and bit my neck and then kissed me one more time and stopped. I put on his hoodies and he put mine on I liked over-sized hoodies and his was huge on me and mine was big on Jax which was good because all my clothes was a lot smaller in size then his. All of a sudden he picked me up and carried me down stairs and finally put me down I rest my head on his shoulder and fell asleep and I felt him pick me up again and laid me down again and laid next to me and fell asleep I knew because I heard a quiet snore.

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