The next Day

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Author's Pov:

The smaller boys woke up in a huge room that was empty and they were all confused about how the fuck they wind up in a different house and where was Mike? 

Mike's Pov:

I woke up in different room floating mid air. When I realized I floating in mid air I screamed,"¿POR QUÉ ESTOY FLOTANDO EN EL AIRE?" ( Why am floating in mid air). An unknown person walked into the room snapped his fingers and I fell on a chair. I was shaking and looked at him and realized he took me but didn't say nothing. the unknown said," How did you sleep last night" I couldn't speak I  just got out the words," Multa y usted?" (Fine and you) the unknown said," Ehhhh not well but fine." He asked me," What's your name?" " M-Mike" I studerd. He smiled at me and said," Mine name is Kobe but call me Daddy" "W-What"

Kobe's Pov:

Mike is super cute when he's mad and scared. I let him introduced himself and he still stutterd. At least he didn't say anything in spanish. I said," My name is Kobe but call me daddy." His reaction was cute as fuck."W-what?" I said again," My name is Kobe but call me daddy." He went red and try to hide in his hoodie. I just pulled it off and he had a baggy shirt and he was covering his chest. I looked at him confused and gave him back his hoodie and left the room.

Cohen's Pov:

I heard Mike scream in different room but it was in spanish. I didn't know what was going on but I soon heard the door open and it was the same nigga that took me away. Instead of telling me to come on this bitch fucking lifts me up with no hands and drags me into a  room and throws me in a chair(T/N: Damn aggressive much ) and locks the door. He asked me," What yo name bbg?" "Cohen, and yours?" I said. He said," Jiggy or master depends on my mood" I looked at him and realized, DON'T.FUCK.UP. cause this nigga can kill me for I all I care.

Jiggy's Pov:

So I may have been a little aggressive (T/N: A LITTLE?!? NIGGA YA DRAG AND THREW HIM!!!) Okay fine maybe I was aggressive, but I wanted to know his name. (T/N: THAT DOESN'T GIVE YA RIGHT TO THROW HIM!!) fine,fine,fine,okay I get it. I asked him," What yo name bbg" Cohen,and yours he asked. "Jiggy or Master depends on my mood" He looked up at with a face that he basically saying, DON'T FUCK UP.

Kairi's Pov:

I woke to me being alone in a big ass room I heard the door open and close. He walked up to me and said," Hello darling" I recognize that voice, "You the one that took me out" I said. He said,"Yes now tell me about your self." " My name is Kairi, I'm 17, and I like hoodies. alsoimintersex." I said the last part quick and fast. He looked confused and said," Wait,Wait,Wait, Your 17, Name is Kairi and your what?" I sighed and said," I'm intersex" "So...?" I basically have a vagina. all the bottoms do that are here but Mike has breast" as soon as I said that Kobe walked in. He asked, "say that last part about Mike" i felt like I fucked up but did it because I could die." That mike has breast and a vagina" He just said," Thanks and walked out. Please don't hurt Mikey.

Mattia's Pov:

Kobe walked out and I was scared for that Mike kid because Kairi had frown on his face he probably thought he was going die. I lifted his chin and said,"He is going to be alright,I promise" He nodded his head and said," Wait whats your name?" I replied,"Mattia but call me Matt" "Now do you want hoodies?" He had cute eyes and a smile saying," YES" I just chuckled and walked with him.

Vallyk's Pov:

I'm shaking hard as fuck right now because I'm in a big ass room and I started to overthink again," Your friends probably left you" "You are going to die" " Jump out the window is only 3ft" My train of thought was caught off gaurd by him.... great. I was still shaking and thinking and he said," You okay there buddy?" I was shaking my head no and  he said," imm go get you some wa-" Before he finished his sentence I blacked out.

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