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Previously on My Bf is a vampire, the gang woke up to Liz screaming and two figures. They turned out to be Mike's ugly ass deat beat ass hoe ass(lemme stop cause chile🤣) parents trying to do a mission for their rival Bobby. They failed and wind up dying by trash truck. Only 2 minutes when they walked away Mike and Vallyk got took. Mike was in a weird situation while Vallyk was scared,  not for him but what was going to happen to Mike.

Also,  i'M sorry if you got a wrong message from the last chapter when Bobby was finna do the same thing to Liz what he doin to Mike. He was just pushing buttons to see Mike's reaction and he definitely was not going to that to her. He may be a bad guy in this but in no fucking hell am I doin that shit.  

Warning, there is going to be something like I just apologized for but the girl finna be 15 like Cohen even though it doesn't sound better I can t explain it correctly sorry just a ⚠️ 

Now enjoy the chapter


Time skip to 2 days.

Mike's Pov:

I've been stuck in this stupid ass place for two fucking days and I hate it. He makes me wear this shit and walk around this therapist office 24/7 getting stares from his gf. I thought I killed her, guess not. I wanna run away like there's always a chance I can do it but I ain't leaving  Vallyk here. I don't know if I said this or not but, this nigga tried to fucking rape me, I kicked him, and now I have a bruise on my leg. 

And he makes me wear this stupid collar that has kitty on it and has little bell. So they can here me anywhere I go basically a tracking device but less technology. Have they fed me, I don't trust shit from that nigga and that whore. So no, plus 2 days ain't shit for me I've starved for 2 years once. That still don't sound right. "Darling." He called.  I walked over there and respond "yes, daddy?" I know, I know but would you rather call your kiddnaper sir, or Master, or King daddy. No, well idk. 

"Could you please check on Trent?" He asked. "Yes daddy." I said trudging to his room. I knocked on the door and he answered it, "hello?" "Bobby- i mean daddy wanted me to check up on you." I said seeing Vallyk dressed like me sitting in a chair. He had fear in eyes and I wanted to run and get him and run but that'll be hard as fuck. "Well, I'm good and have good day." He said. "Alright." I said. He close the door and I roll my eyes. Man I hope Val is okay.

Vallyk Pov:

I don't know how long I've been in this room but I hate it. It's not bad, but all he does is give me hickeys and I try to push him off but it never works. He made me where this stupid outfit and not gonna lie I look cute but outta the question I hate it. Have I ate, no. I have starved my self for  7 months. Plus I don't feel hungry 24/7. 

I saw Mike come to check on Trent and he looked at me and I saw a bruise on his leg. I'm whopping everybody's ass up in this bitch once I get untied from this stupid metal chair. He close the door and whipped his head back at me. "What ya want?" I ask. "You." He said. "Nope, I'm loyal I'm not getting my ass kicked cause of you, hell no. You can go suck Bobby's dick if your horny." I said shaking my head. "Your so fucking boring." He said slowly getting up to me. "No, I'm fucking tired of being in a god damn chair, looking like a god damn maid." I said jerking the chair harder. "Ugh, whatever." He said walking out and closing the door. 

I then harshly started jerking the chair back and forth trying to bend this shit and then I heard a snap. I wind up falling down and breaking the chair busting my ass. I then heard noises and gun shots? What the fu-

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