TodoKami/KamiTodo - Sparring

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Another request by @O9nonono 

"Hey Todoroki?" Kaminari asked, walking up to where said dual haired boy was sitting on the couch.

"Yes Kaminari?" Todoroki asked back, flicking his eyes from the television to look at the blond.

"Can you help me in hand - to - hand combat training?"

Todoroki raised an eyebrow. "Why don't you ask Iida? He's much better at it than me."

"That's the thing!" Kaminari explains, before reducing the volume of his voice. "I want to spar with someone who's better than me, but not so much better that I get overwhelmed, y'know?"

No, Shouto did not know, but he still nodded and turned off the television, standing up and heading with Kaminari to the training grounds.

He makes sure to change into his P.E uniform trousers and a teal shirt, before grabbing a bag. He'll need some water and a towel as well.

Arriving at Training Ground E, Todoroki spots Kaminari warming up in the distance, starting with a few stretches.

"How do you want to do this?" Todoroki asks, starting to warm up as well.

"We can just spar together, and after each match, you evaluate my performance and give me some feedback, yeah?" 

Todoroki nodded and continued with his stretches, moving on to neck rolls.


"Alright! Let's get this show on the road!" Kaminari called, after they both finished preparing themselves for battle.

"I'm ready whenever you are." Todoroki replied monotonously.

Kaminari grinned and charged straight at Todoroki, throwing the first punch. Todoroki almost scoffed. That kind of direct attack was too easy to dodge.

It seems he had underestimated Kaminari, because the punch was actually a fluke. As Todoroki dodged, Kaminari twisted his leg to try and trip the dual haired boy as he tried to escape. Leaping out of his grasp, Todoroki landed with a forward roll.

"Not bad." Todoroki commended.

Kaminari smirked and took on a fighting stance as Todoroki came for Kaminari this time, body twisting in an attempt at a jump propelled twist kick. Kaminari just barely blocked it with his arm, but it sent enough pain that the blond boy gave a hiss.

"Wow. You're much stronger than I anticipated without your quirk." Kaminari complimented, looking at the red stripes on his skin, in the shape of Todoroki's leg.

Todoroki didn't respond as they continued to trade blows, Kaminari twisting and dodging as Todoroki sent punch after punch. After a while, Kaminari noticed the pattern in Todoroki's attacks-  Every once in a while, he would give a high kick that Kaminari would just barely dodge.

The next time it happened, Kaminari used the momentum from his dodging to twist his body and sweep Todoroki off his feet while he was unbalanced. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, he pinned Todoroki to the ground, straddling his hips.

Todoroki stared up at him, eyebrow raised in contemplation. "You seem to have a greater stamina than me."

Kaminari laughed. "It's kind of necessary, 'cuz of my quirk."

A comfortable silence settled over them, as Kaminari studied Todoroki's features.

Fucking All Might, Todoroki was hot. It's not like he didn't know that before, his bisexual ass completely agreed with the girls when they said Todoroki was the hottest boy in class, but when Todoroki was flushed and panting underneath him-

Kaminari was doomed.

"I'm very flattered by your words." Todoroki said.

Shit. Had he said that out loud?

"Yes, yes you did." Todoroki supplied.

Kaminari gulped and looked away. "Er, I'm really sorry about that. But you are um, really hot."

Todoroki looked confused. "Is it because of my fire side?"

Kaminari wanted to laugh. "No, I mean that you're pretty attractive."

Todoroki seemed to reach a realization. "Oh! So that's why you always stare at me."

Kaminari flushed. "H-How did you know?" he squeaked.

Todoroki shrugged as best as he could under Kaminari's grip. "It was pretty obvious."

Kaminari sighed and pressed his face into his palms. "Someone just kill me."

"If someone were to kill you, I would end up loosing one of my classmates."

"What are you, Iida?"

"No, because Iida wouldn't go and kill the person who killed you."

"Please say you're joking."


"You're not joking."

Sighing again, Kaminari got off of Todoroki and put his hands on his hips. "Okay so, I really really like you. Like, like like you."

'Like like you? What are you? 12?'  Kaminari shouted to himself in his mind.

"Like like me?" Todoroki asked.

"Like like you."

"What does that mean?"

"It means," Kaminari started, walking closer to Todoroki. "That I like you more than a friend or a classmate." He gave Todoroki a peck on his right cheek.

"You mean like a best friend?"



"Oh, so that's what you meant."

"Yes, you big dummy. Now cuddle me. I'm hot."

WORDS - 800

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