NatShig/ShigaNatsu - Snow Day

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"Fuck the snow."

Natsuo laughed. "C'mon babe, there's nothing wrong with the snow."

"It's really cold, it's wet, and it's white. Need I say no more?"

"You know that's a very accurate description of me." Natsuo raised an eyebrow.

Shigaraki's cheeks turned pink for a second as the implications of the sentence dawned on him, before he quickly coughed and regained his composure. "Nope. Not happening."

"It's not that bad! When I was younger Sho, Fuyu and I would always go out and play in the snow with Mom!" Natsuo argued, hugging Shigaraki, trying to take away the video game controller the other male held in his hands.

"You like the snow! I don't! Why can't you go by yourself?"

"I can't make snow angels by myself, can I?"

"It's very possible."

Natsuo sighed, before puffing out his chest. "You need to get out of the house more. Sitting inside and playing video games for extended periods of time can result in retina damage. So you have to go outside with me, doctor's orders."

Shigaraki rolled his eyes. "You're a medical doctor, not an optomologist."

"It's ophthalmologist and it doesn't matter! That's common knowledge!"

"Can't I celebrate my Christmas eve in peace?"

"Nope." Natsuo shook his head. "How about this. If you go outside with me now, you'll get to play all you want when we get back. Even till midnight."

"I thought it was worse to look at LED images in the dark."

"The lights will be on."

Shigaraki sighed, before caving. "Fine, I'll go play in the stupid snow with you." He mumbled.

"Yes!" Natsuo cheered. "Snow Day!"

After changing into some Snow Day appropriate clothing, the two males walk out of their apartment and out to the nearest park, Natsuo grinning and making conversation as they walk. He says hello to some of his friends that are out as well as they pass, and Shigaraki relaxes. Maybe going outside for a snow day isn't so bad after all.

They reach the park and head down a well known path, it being the same path they had followed when Natsuo had asked him to be his boyfriend, all those months ago. It gives Shigaraki a sense of nostalgia that he welcomes.

In his euphoria filled state, Shigaraki wasn't prepared for the sudden white coming at him, hitting him square in the face. He wipes the snow off with his gloved hand, turning to glare at his boyfriend, who's bent over in laughter, as if Shigaraki getting hit with snow is the funniest thing ever.

"Natsuo." Shigaraki says darkly.

The white haired male looks scared for a minute as he mumbles "Oh, shit." and takes off, hiding behind one of the many trees for cover.

Shigaraki scoffs.

Oh, it's on.

Shigaraki stays behind a large conifer tree, housing about 10 snowballs beside him as he waits. He knows what Natsuo's thinking. He's thinking 'Oh, Tomura will just come straight for ne, so I should hide!'

But no, Shigaraki's going to wait. Wait for hours, if he has to. Just long enough for Natsuo to come out and be worried. Then he'll ambush the ice user.

Right on time, Natsuo comes out of his hiding spot and looks around, obviously worried. "Tomura!" He calls. "Tomura! Where are you?"

Shigaraki smirks as he release a barrage of snowballs the the man, laughing wickedly.

Natsuo grins smugly as he uses his quirk to create a barrier of ice that the snowballs hit, instead of Tomura's original target.

"Found you." His boyfriend taunts.

"I'm never going out for a snow day ever again." Shigaraki groans, as he lowers himself down to the couch.

"But that was fun, wasn't it?" Natsuo asks, grinning, as he hangs his coat on the rack.

"You're only saying that because you won."

Natsuo laughed and sat with Shigaraki, hugging the thinner male. "We didn't make any rules, so I think we can call it a draw."

"You're just lucky I love you." Shigaraki mumbles into Natsuo's hair, as he browses through Netflix for a suitable Christmas movie.

"I know." Natsuo says as he places a blanket over the two of them, grinning like an idiot.

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