Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"What the fuck are you going to do with that?"

Varian tried to pull himself together as best as he could. He felt disgusting with Mary's drying spit and his own cum on his dick. However, what he was most concerned about was the manic look in Kacey's eyes and the knife in his hand.

Kacey tossed it in the air and caught it. He did this a few times as he gazed lazily back at Varian.

"This is your birthday. While the carnival was nice, I don't think it's enough to celebrate the universe creating one of my most favorite people."

Mary giggled. "We have something really special planned."

Padriac buttoned up Varian's pants. He hadn't noticed they were open.

"It's okay to be nervous. It's your first time after all."

"Not for long!" Kacey sung as he sauntered down the dark hall. He waved for them to follow him. "When we're done, Varian here will be a killing machine."

Varian was swept away between Padriac and Mary. When they passed Kacey, he gave Varian's cheek a pinch under the mask.

Varian floundered, mouth opening and closing, trying to force the words for them to stop to come out. But he was floored when he saw Kacey's eyes once more.

They were telling him no. They said he wasn't going to get out of this.

And Varian, the weak person that he was, didn't fight. He didn't even scream help from what he knew was going to happen. He couldn't do anything as the four of them appeared out of the mysterious world of illusions and came back to where they started.

The man on the stool was still smoking and counting the tickets he'd collected. When he spotted them, he was surprised.

"Done already?"

Mary skipped to the entrance. She poked her head out and then closed the flaps of the tent.

"Excuse me." The man stood up, evidently confused about what was going on.

Varian stood away as Padriac circled around the man. Kacey showed off the knife he was still playing with.

The man's eyebrows rise.

"Okay. Hang on there."

Kacey laughed. "I don't think you're the boss here, sir."

Padriac grabbed the man from behind and put him into a choke hold. The man dropped his cigarette and grabbed onto the arm Padriac had firmly wrapped around his neck.

Mary kneed the man in the crotch. He howled in pain, but before he could choke out a call for help, Mary punched him hard in the face.

The man sputtered as he bled from his nose. He gasped as Padriac strangled him from behind.

"Please," he just barely managed to get out.

Mary laughed. "Please? I'll help you shut up if that's what you want."

The man tried to shake his head. Mary swooped to the ground and grabbed the still lit cigarette. She stood and tried to shove the cigarette into the man's mouth.

He closed it firmly, pressing his bloody lips together.

"Awe. Don't be so difficult." Mary pouted. "Guess I'll just have to force you."

She shoved her finger into the man's mouth. He went to bite her. She saw it coming and punched him again.

"Don't fucking make me drop this damn thing." She jabbed her finger so hard in his mouth that Varian winced as he felt the pain in his own mouth.

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