Chapter 24

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The night was Beautiful, the sky was filled with stars.

I sighed as I continued walking down the empty street, well empty apart from me and one other.

I let out a smile and watched as she pulled out her phone to call someone. I laughed quietly and sprinted towards her.

I guess all that running in year 8 did me good.

I caught up to her and ripped the phone out of her hands and instantly hung up, not giving it time to check who it was. I threw the phone to the side and luckily it slipped into a nearby sewer drain.

"That's cheating" I declared

She looked at me, terrified, before running off again.

I was a bit behind her when she stopped and looked around before pulling into a alleyway.

I sighed again, for the nth time that night and followed her down the same alleyway. But she was gone.

I panicked for a second before calming myself down and walked deeper into the alley, making sure to keep an ear out for any noise behind me. I had good hearing anyway.

I heard a slight rustle, so I snapped my head towards the correcting where it came from, only to see a racoon, eating peaceful. I smiled and walked towards the poor creature.

"Hello, have you seen my friend?" I asking extremely quietly.

The racoon seemed quite confused before pointing towards another small alleyway, one that lead to a dead end. I looked at the Creature again and smiled.

I pulled out a bag from pocket, that contained a cookie. I took the cookie out and handed it to the racoon, who began chomping on it.

I stood up and my smile instantly vanished. I turned towards the second alley and headed towards it.

I stood at the entry way and stared right at her. She was crouched down with her hand covering her mouth, I guess she hadn't noticed me yet.

I slowly walked towards her .

"Your pretty shit at hiding" I stated.

She gasped and spun around to look at me, stumbling to her feet.


"I just wanna talk" I cut her off.

She was breathing really heavily.

"Breath for fuck sake, it's pissing me off" I laughed.

She shut up after that and tried to control her breathing.

I sighed again and looked at the ground.

"Stay away from Sana, yeah?" I demanded as I looked up at her.

She was silent for a moment before she snapped out of it and answered.

"What? No!" She stated. Getting brave now are we?.

I laughed before stepping towards her. She flinched and stepped back.

"I don't like repeating myself"

"F-fine, just d-dont hurt Sana, please" she begged.

I smiled and nodded.

"I won't, I promise"
I was currently on my way back to Sanas house, I was in the mood to see her.

As I took the corner onto Sana's street, I looked up to find her parents car still not there.

I smirked and walked the rest of the way.

I walked up the steps and landed 5 knocked on the door. She didn't answer at first so I landed another 5 firm knocks on the door.

She still didn't answer tho so I stumbled over to her bedroom window and picked up a small pebble and threw it at the window.

Her bedroom was lit up but I could tell it was from her Desk lamp, so it made the room quite dull.

After awhile, the bedroom window opened, revealing a sweaty and messy Sana.

I smirked and waved at her .

"T-tzuyu, now's not the time" she stuttered.

"Oh, I think it is" I smirked even more.

"Let me in, yeah?" I smiled, innocently.

"My friends here right now, im sorry" Sana stated.

"Oh, really? I don't think so" I smiled.

"Now, let me in" I demanded, seriously.

She sighed and closed her bedroom window.

"Good girl" I muttered.

A moment later, I heard the front door open and I made my way back over there.

I made my way inside and took off my shoes before turning to her.

She was still sweaty and messy.

"Hmm, what were you doing up there?" I asked.

"N-nothing" she answered, nervously.

I hummed "alright"

I didn't believe her though, knowing how needy Sana can be.

We headed upstairs and as we entered her room, I couldn't help but notice the mess, which was odd as Sana's room was always tidy and neat.

"Hmm, it's messy" I stated the obvious.

"Yeah sorry about that" she replied.

She stepped in front of me and bent down to grab some clothes that were scattered on the floor.

Just as she bent down, I walked up behind her and grabbed her hips.

She gasped and instantly rose up.

"Yah, what are you doing?" She asked, slightly confused and blushing.

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Hugging you" I stated the obvious.

She sighed and held my hands.

"I know you were doing something up here, sana~" I sang out, quietly.

"Shut up" she muttered.

I laughed and let go of waist. I walked over to the bed and sat on it.

"I had a talk with Dahyun"


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