Chapter 2

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Love me more...

We sat in my living room. She was timid.
"What's wrong" I asked it a fake worried expression on my face.
She opened her mouth but didn't say anything. She spoke 5 minutes later.
"I-It's just, for the past f-few weeks, you've been... you've been upsetting m-me recently."
I rolled my eyes. She noticed.
"You need to stop being like this. It's not fair. It's hurting me." I said with a smile.
"B-but..." she started. Tears were forming at the corner of her eyes.
"You're just being dramatic. Calm down. Ok?" I said caressing her cheek.
"Ok. I'm sorry." A tear rolled down her cheek and I wiped it.
"Better now, isn't?" I gave her a hug.
I nodded as she accepted the hug.
Right then and there I wanted to squeeze her to death. But I have to calm down.
'I'm a god.
That's me.
I'm the best.'
I smiled. An evil one.
'This is so easy.
I can't wait until I get Sasu- Sakura.'
I frowned as I caught myself almost say Sasuke.
I broke the hug.
"Well it's getting late you should leave." I said whilst getting up and opening the door.
I looked at the clock on the wall. 12:39.
She shook her head.
It was dark.
She must be scared.
Oh well.
As soon as she walked out, I slammed the door. Locking it.
'I'm hungry.
Nah. I don't want to eat.
I'm better than anyone. I can hold my hunger.'
I plopped myself on my bed.
"Why am I suddenly thinking of Sasuke?" I said quietly.
'Do I want to kill him?' I thought.
'Yeah that must be it. I have to get closer to him. I now realize that I need to get closer to both Hinata- which I already am- and Sasuke.
I want Sakura. But I didn't need her.
I want her. Do I?
Or do I want Sasuke? I do need him. I do want him.
Right then and there, I noticed that I, Naruto Uzumaki, liked Sasuke and Sakura. But Sasuke was winning. I guess I'm ok with that.
For some reason for 2nd period, we had to meet up at the auditorium/gym. Kakashi was our second period teacher because we had ELA as a block period. Surprisingly he was not that late.
We all sat in chairs that was assigned to us. Sasuke sat next to me because it was in alphabetical order.
The principal came up on the stage with a sad expression.
She had long blond hair that was styled into two low ponytails.
She had hazelnut eyes. Pale skin. And enormous breast. Don't be fooled by her looks, she's like 50.
She cleared her throat before speaking into the microphone.
There was some static but quickly adjusted.
"Good morning everyone. You may be wondering why we brought you here on such short notice. Well last night at 10:02 pm, Kiba Inuzuka, was found....dead."
Gasps and sobs filled the room.
I tried not to smile.
I bit my tongue to help.
It made my eyes watery
"We understand that this might be very hard on you so today is a free day. You may leave school for the next 2 days max. Also the death was suicide... Please, I'm begging you, if you ever feel like this, talk to us we can help." She said as tears fell down her eyes.
'Don't laugh someone just died.' I repeated that thought.
Sasuke tapped my shoulder.
I looked at his coal-like eyes.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"I'm okay." I sniffled.
"Are you sure? I saw you guys. You seemed pretty close." He rubbed my back.
'I'm dying! He comforting me!
My crush! My crush! Haha!' Naruto laughed mentally.
I tear fell down my cheek.
"Guess we were. We were too close though. He was a friend. But it still hurts." I sobbed into his chest.
He hugged me.
He had one arm around me and the other on my head. Trying to soothe me.
I smiled in his chest.
'He's mine soon.'
"Today you may leave right now. We'll send a message to your parents." She said as she walked off the stage and said her goodbyes and walked towards her office.
Everyone got up from their seats and exited school.
"Uhh sorry about that." I said as I wiped tears off.
"It's fine. Do you want to hang out. Like later?" He asked, slightly blushing.
"Is it a date?" I asked jokingly.
"Just kidding! I know you meant it as friends. We both got girlfriends plus I see you as a friend." I smiled.
A glint of sadness overcame the charcoal orbs.
He nodded.
"Ok then! You have my number right?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Ok well imma find Hinata and you find Sakura and let's meet up at the gate!" I smiled.
"Whatever." He scoffed.
As the four of us walked to this new 'McDonald's' it was awkward.
Hinata and I haven't talked after that night.
It was just Sakura talking to Sasuke.
Sasuke only replied with, 'hn.'
When we arrived, we quickly ordered and too our seats at a booth, waiting for the food.
"U-um Naruto." Hinata said quietly.
"What?" I asked a bit harshly.
This did go noticed you the couple sitting in front of us.
"L-last night, I t-thought a-about what you said."
I nodded.
"I-I'm sorry for causing all this pain. B-but y-you too have caused me p-pain." She looked at my eyes.
I gave her a disgusted look. 
'Don't kill her, it's too early.
Why is she bringing this up?
Does she think I won't scream at her because people are watching?
Ugh. It's such a pain to be with her.'"Wow. Why can't you just love me? Why can't you just stick by my side and say nothing? It's always your fault. Just love me like I love you. Don't you see this hurts me?" I scoffed.

"I'm sorry." She looked down.
"Woah, you don't need to say sorry!" Sakura said with anger.
Hinata looked at her.
Her eyes glimmered with love.
I'm not jealous,
It's just,
Now I have to kill Sakura.
She made you look at her like that.
I'm not jealous.
I have Sasuke.
But it's not like I need him.'
"S-Sakura it's fine. I'm f-fine." Hinata gave a shy smile.
A shy smile full of hurt and pain.
"Yeah, we don't need to meddle in their relationship." Sasuke said monotonously.
Sakura stood up and slammed her hands on the table.
"Hell n-" Sakura's yelling was cut of by my tears.
Everyone's eyes were on us. When Sakura noticed this she sat down and cleared her throat.
Most of the eyes left us.
Little by little they were all gone.
"T-this is not fair. E-everyone treats me l-like shit. I just found out that one of my closest friends died a few hours ago." I sobbed. I covered my face with my hands.
I needed to hide the smile and the tears.
"Sorry Naruto. I understand it's been hard in you. But I'm just asking to treat Hinata better." She apologized.
"Yeah. I'll work on that." I replied.
"Order for 1379! Again. Order for 1379!" The worker yelled.
"I-I'll get it." Hinata insisted.
"I go with you." Sakura smiled and left with Hinata.
Leaving Sasuke and I alone.
"You treat her like shit." He said coldly.
"I-I know. I said I'll wo-"
"Save your acting. I know." He looked at my eyes.
"Know what?" I asked nervously.
"Kiba. Bridge." He answered.
My eyes widened.
"How did you?" I asked.
"I was walking by your house and I saw your car that was always broken. I went to follow you and I saw you. You're pretty smart." He complimented.
I stayed quiet.
' I need to kill him. He knows too much.
No, I don't want to kill him.
Kidnap him?
Yeah. Kidnap him.'
"I won't tell anyone. Don't worry. I have my own feelings for that and I don't plan on answer that question." He said as he played with his bracelet.
"Oh. Cool." I said.
The girl came soon after.
"Here ya go Sasuke!" Sakura said as she handed him his meal. Hinata gave me mine.
During that meal, I could not get my eyes off him. And couldn't either.
I thought about why he wouldn't tell anyone.
'Does he like me that much?
He's just helping a god.'
Done! Hope you like it!

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