"im not that interested in him anyway"

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jisung walked up to the jyp building with stars in his eyes, he took a deep breath and walked inside admiring the place's beauty "one day," he whispered so only he could hear, "i'll become a kpop idol, and walk around these walls feeling famous". he apparently was staring for too long because someone came behind him and whispered into jisung's ear "YAH!! WHAT ARE U STARTING AT". startled, jisung turned around to meet the eyes of the prettiest boy he's ever seen, he was tall, slim and messy short brown hair, jisung gulped and looked down. he managed to mumble a hello, but that was about it. the tall boy grabbed him by the chin and stared into jisung's eyes. "are u okay?, you look a little, dazed off?" jisung unattached the tall boy's hand from his chin and looked at his eyes "im... im fine." he managed. the tall boy suppressed a smile and started introducing myself "well, HELLOOOOO!!! i'm hwang hyunjin, i have many nicknames; one of which is jinnie, my favourite, but u can call me hyunjin if you like.. I DONT MIND!!". 'wow,' jisung thought 'this guy was energetic'. jisung faked a smile and said "uhh, hi? im han jisung...uhh yeah i have nicknames like; hanji, ji, sungie...". "hanji...i like that." the tall boy said. jisung smiled at him, "well i have to go to practice, see you around jinnie?" the tall boy jumped in his place, excited "see you aroundddd hanjiii" he said. 

jisung panted as he finally got to go home, he grabbed his bags and changed out of his sweaty shoes and shirt. he wore a comfier sweater that were a bit big at the hands so he had sweater paws. he walked out of the bathroom and fixed his hair until he saw a familiar figure enter, "HEY HANJI!" the tall boy announced loudly, jisung was pretty sure everyone in the stalls could hear, a smile tugged at the ends of jisungs mouth; he finally had a friend. "hello jinnie!" jisung laughed. the tall boy giggled along and slumped his bag on his shoulder while jisung tied his laces, "headed home?" the tall boy asked. "yep" jisung mumbled. 'all alone' he thought. "hey, well i wouldn't mind you coming over if you'd like" hyunjin suggested. "i would love that" jisung said.

"what the fuck hyunjin your car is HUUGEE." jisung laughed. hyunjin shrugged "well i mean my dad does own a japanese restaurant that is quite successful..." he looked over to jisung who had is jaw dropped on the floor "j-japanese food?!?! CAN WE GO. PLEASE." he begged hyunjin laughing at jisung's love for food "sure why not" he turned the car around and drove over to the japanese restaurant. every once in a while he would sing to the songs in the radio, but then this one song came on, the song he auditioned with; at his audition he didn't hit the high note because it was out of his vocal range, but recently his vocal range got a lot higher so he attempted the high note. to his surprise; he actually went higher than the artist. hyunjin gasped "HANJI?? YOUR VOCAL RANGE IS SO HIGH" he admired. jisung turned a bright shade of red at the taller boy complimenting him, due to his shyness all he could form was a muffled "thank you" but hyunjin heard it and smiled.

they parked at a nice parking near the restaurant and got inside; they were welcomed by hyunjin's parents and were seated at the booth. they ordered their food and started chatting about everything (literally) until then came a conversation jisung wouldn't have thought would be brought up, mostly because he didn't know WHO the guy hyunjin was referring to. trying to match up hyunjin's description of the boy to all the trainees he's seen, he couldn't quite make out who it was that hyunjin was talking about, "so basically," hyunjin said pausing in between to take a bite of the sushi, "there is this guy called lee minho, he's really good at dancing," jisung nodded, not knowing where this conversation was going, "he's really hot as well, dang you should've seen his jawline, i can cut steak with that sharpness SHEESH." jisung laughed at the last statment, "well i mean yeah the minho guy is cool and all, but what about him" hyunjin looked into jisung's eyes "well yeah he's really talented, but he's really stubborn and cold, i wanted to introduce him to you but he just walked away before i could call you over" he huffed. "its okay," jisung confronted hyunjin, who was pouting. "im not that interested in him anyway".

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