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Harrys POV

I woke up the next morning. Then all of a sudden memories from yesterday come back into my mind. I'm just so glad today is Saturday. I decide to take a shower. I let the hot water cascade down my body then memories of me and Louis go through my mind.

*Flashback (memory from Chapter 4)*

"Are you coming?" I hear Louis say from the shower

l eagerly get out of bed while taking off my clothes. I step inside the shower and wrap my arms around Louis, holding him so close. The frame of our bodies connecting so well.

"I love you Louis" I whispered in his ear I can tell Louis was taken aback but so happy at the four words I just said

"I love you to Harry"

I see him turn around and he just stares at me. We stare loving the presence of one another. He pulls me into a warm passionate kiss full of love.

*End of flashback*

I stand there crying letting the water take the tears always but there so many it's kind of hard. I love this boy so much that I'm willing to go all through this pain just for him. I lay my head on the wall as I just think.

Louis POV

I woke up to memories of last night flooding through my mind then soon tears start to flood through my eyes. think back to yesterday wondering if I made the right decision. Maybe Harry is right we just need some space. lay on my staring at the ceiling getting lost in my thoughts when I heard my phone. It's Tayler calling.

Louis - Hello

Tayler - hey Louis it's Tayler

Louis - haha I know that

Tayler - oh yeah caller id

Louis - yeah. So what's up?

Tayler- I was wondering if you wanted to still hang out or unless you

and Harry have something planned

Louis - there is no is more me and Harry

After saying that I started to cry

Tayler- hey it's ok. We don't have to hang out today.

Louis - no it's okay. Is it alright if we just hang out at my house?

Tayler- sounds perfect. I'll be there in 5.

Louis - ok. I'll see you then.

I hang up the phone and decide to get in the shower.

Tayler's POV

I'm so excited to hang out with Louis but I feel so bad. I know I'm the cause of him and Harry splitting up. want to make him happy and that's exactly what I plan on doing today. I get to Louis's house and ring the door. I'm greeted by a woman.

"Hello. Can I help you?" Johannah said

"Um, I'm Tayler. Is Louis home?"

"Oh, Louis told me you were coming. Come in"

"Thank you"

"I hope you can cheer Louis up. He and Harry had a little break up"

"I plan on making him happy"

"Sounds great. Well his room is upstairs down the hall and to the right"

'Thank you, ma'am"
"Call me Johannah "

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