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Louis's POV // 3 months later

It's been 3 months. Harry and I are happy living together. We helped his mom move in right across the street. The school has been great. I and Harry graduate this Friday. It benign Wednesday I'm so nervous but super excited. I'm sad to be leaving school but happy to start a new chapter in my life with Harry.

"Harry, did you get your cap and gown?"


"And did you check with your counselor that all your credits are final?"


"You know where you're sitting for graduation?"



"Babe just chill out. Everything is according to plan."

"I know I just want everything to be perfect"

"But your forgetting something"

"What is it?"

"We're gonna be the Tomlinson-Styles in a month"
I looked at the boy and melted inside. He made my days and this was a moment he did. I walk over to him and give him a sweet kiss.

"And I can't wait to say I do to the most perfect guy," said

"So what would you like to do today?"

"Well, we don't have school because we'll we're graduating. Umm wanna hang out with the friends"

"Sounds perfect. I'll call them"


Harry's POV

I text the whole gang. (We have a group chat)

Harry: Do y'all guys wanna hang out?

Liam: For sure

Niall: Yasss

Zayn: Always

Jackson: Hell Yes

Harry: Let's meet at the park

Everyone: Alright

I put my phone away and went to go find Louis. He was in the bathroom studying his speech. Looking in the mirror. I admired from the door frame. I am so proud of him. Louis is our valedictorian. He doesn't notice for a long time until I make a little cough noise to inform him I'm standing right here.

"Hey, babe. I didn't see you there"

"Haha I noticed"

'I just don't wanna mess up on my speech"

"I totally understand"

"I love you"

"I love you too. Now let's get going. The gang is headed to the park"

"Alright let's go"

We decide to walk cause the walk is nice and not that far. I and Louis hold hand in hand as we walk there. We talk about how Louis has been excepted to many colleges. Even I got accepted to some. He's still trying to decide where to go. I told him we'll discuss it later and it's time to have some fun right now. We soon arrive and notice we arrived first.

"Harry come push me in the swing," Louis said while running to the swings

"Your such a kid at heart"

"Whatever. Just come push me"

I walked over and started to push him. The little giggles that were coming out of his mouth were so cute. I continued pushing him for a while when he said it was too high. I stepped in front of him to slow him down until he came to a full stop. We stare at one another for a few seconds before I leaned down and kissed him. It felt like we just had our first kiss. The nervous but excited feeling you get inside. We kissed for a few more minutes then we heard a yelling Jackson

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